lol, true dat. It was fun fucking with them too
lol, true dat. It was fun fucking with them too
I remember on Reddit I’d see like a post a month from some uneducated pirate person asking how to fix a utorrent issue. It was fun watching them try to justify using it with all the other legit, updated clients. It didn’t ever go well for the OP.
I don’t really understand what piss baby means but I like the sound of it
He’s a bit bitchy in Sherlock but still pretty alpha. Re-watching it right now
I always thought he was a little piss baby but pigboy works too
Damn…all this time I thought Google had integrity.
There are some things to be said for non-existence
I think I’m more plastic than man now. Guess I’ll go out into the ocean and choke some sea turtles. I see now that that was always my destiny
Google a lil’ bitch
EDIT: little to lil’
I’ve accidentally turned on speed limits in Qbit before
Why not? It very much shows what a pathetic he is. Everybody is seeing all the other shit too, trust me
Back at you. These playoff losses make me more depressed than usual for like a week
I don’t remember writing anything and I think I passed out before the last few minutes of the game.
I guess you are really in tune with jokes. I thought that was obvious to most everybody
It’s a garbage site full of garbage people. Except for the people that I like on Reddit.
This great wall of text is comparable in size to the great wall of China
Shut down all the power plants!
Can’t. I’m a little too dead for pics
What a hideous couple. If one of the staples that holds her face in place pops out, someone is going to lose an eye