I identify as “very, very tired of thinking about genders, especially my own”.
I identify as “very, very tired of thinking about genders, especially my own”.
yall talk smack but im old enough to remember animorphs transformers, stupid toys are nothing new
THIS. Where is the Transmetropolitan streaming series? The time has never been more right.
It’s all too common when anti-phrenology people don’t understand phreno101.
oh look yet another warmed over “DAE the kids r bad” talking point that i’ve been hearing literally since i learned language.
yes because having assigned reading material directly and specifically relevant to the subject of the class is exactly the same as registering for a website full of shitposts and propaganda bots. remember when you got all that spam from opening your textbook, and there was an entire chapter calling you out for being a little bitch?
that’s the stupidest comparison i’ve ever heard.
“hey there’s this thing called lemmy, check it out some time” <- leading a horse to water
“ok you have to register an account on lemmy, it’s part of your grade” <- shoving a hose down the horse’s throat and cranking the spigot
requiring my students to create Lemmy accounts
No. Nobody likes registering accounts for random services because an authority figure told them they had to, I feel like if it were me I would do the bare minimum of interacting that I was required to and never look at the service again out of resentment.
the joke is the guy bitching about illiteracy thinks 40 words is too much to read
native english speaker here, the joke comes across fine and I literally laughed out loud. people who try to police words/grammar/humor like the guy you’re replying to are pathetic losers and nobody likes them. keep making funnies in my language and i’ll keep laughing and upvoting them!
whine about literacy
proceed to call two sentences “a lot of words” and pretend it’s a lot to read
this guy desperately making an asshole of himself trying to troll people is funnier than the meme
i think you’re just salty that your inbox blew up with people telling you what an idiotic blowhard you sound like
linguistic prescriptivism is for weird losers bent on controlling others’ thoughts. the joke is fine, i think you’re upset about something else here.
more like
“have you seen Mindless Action 7: Ultimate CG 3: The Reckoning yet?”
no, I don’t keep up with Marvel movies, they just don’t appeal to me.
“well it’s insert 30 minute lore dump and it ties into the ending of Space Hero Movie 3 because insert 20 minute side rant about Space Mask Guy’s entire history while also being an indirect sequel to Weird Magic Dude 6 because of when Weird Magic Dude altered the timeline by extended synopsis of Weird Magic Dude 2, 5, and 6 which ties into the Unremarkables Netflix series, that’s why indicipherable gibberish, and then The Bulk eats a car with Alien Skin Chin inside and Shrinky Dinky has to get him back out again! It’s amazing, you gotta see it!”
idk man i watched Metal Noggin and Space Hero Movie and didn’t really care for either of them, the genre just doesn’t appeal to me. i’m glad you have a thing you like but it’s not really my bag.
goes to internet “why are people so vocal about not liking marvel movies, as if we care?”.
The fiddle itself is a handicap too, gold is an awful material for an instrument.
I’ve been saying for eight years he’d be more dangerous as a martyr than his stupid alive self.
right now mine has manjaro+cinnamon. i booted my wife’s Win11 laptop to it so she could test drive it and within ten minutes she was asking how to get to the installer. i hope to repeat this process with others as well.
Dude Socrates was convinced that reading and writing would ruin everyone’s memory who grew up with it. Whining about <innovation> somehow handicapping the next generation by making them “too dependent on technology” or whatever and couching it in reasonable-sounding terms is as old as language, and time always makes fools of those who indulge in that sort of masturbatory delusion. You’re just jealous we had cooler toys, own it.
it’s a reference to a (possibly apocryphal? i’m not very well educated) anecdote about sigmund freud. freud had a hypothesis that basically any phallic object in a dream represents an actual phallus because supposedly basically everything in the human psyche is connected to sex. someone pointed out his fondness of cigars and he replied with the quote, “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”