Just in my personal experience Discord works a lot better and is far more convenient
Your personal experience is biased as fuck because having to go through phone verification or downloading a sketchy proprietary client is in no way far more convenient than firing up irc
If you think supporting a genocide is going in the right direction i have bad news for you
According to the post they are all 3 a trip to the coffin
All these 3 are corrupted politicians liars with blood in their hands. Don’t advertise for twitter on lemmy and don’t post propaganda
If both choices suck just pick another one, you are not supposed to vote for any of them
yeah, a bunch of corrupted fascists and genocide supporters greedy for money who brought humanity to the bring of extinction with their wars and polluting the environment for profits winning again and staying in power would be the biggest win of your lives.
That’s your stupid conclusion
You also need to look around you and realize that you have been governed by authoritarian fascists for the past 100 years continuously
Welcome to 2024, the year the two party system wins the elections again, peasants keep getting exploited and the rich becomes richer
Not so much ago i was handled an iphone and i had no idea how to unlock it and use it as there aren’t any keys or instructions on the device. Joe Everyman is just used to it but in fact iphones are not easy to use. I think this really thread can also hint something, some OSS may not be easy to use or well supported but it is designed to be open and accessible. Proprietary software and standards puts you through a set of restrictions for example having to register and give away all your personal informations to download binaries.
Whatever you are getting your hands into remember that there’s plenty of free alternatives and libre products available in the public domain. Supporting these is a good way to unsupport the closed counterpart.
I don’t see how they could make it any worst, Valve main product is a useless proprietary walled garden launcher that spy on its customers
So why are they forcing at gunpoint Palestinians not to go after the terrorists who so far after October 7th killed 3k childrens?
The us government and whoever is in charge for it support both genocide and Hamas as they are using it as a warrant for israel to expand their borders. Do you really believe they are unaware of the fact that indiscriminate bombing of gaza will bread even more terrorist? They are bombing thousand of childrens, they don’t care about their own either, politicians and billionares do not fight their wars and neither care about anyone below them.
Either red or blue is gonna win, they can do everything they want
A vote for a fascist and a vote for a genocide supporter are both tossed in the trash. A vote for someone else is not.
oh who would have guess the government is corrupted
Then why is he a member of a party that does exactly that?
Is this actually happening or did they manage to extend the copyright again?
They are not going to allow that or they would be the first one getting nuked