Marvel did this already and called it Loki.
Marvel did this already and called it Loki.
I wanted the punk aesthetic to come to come back, but not like this.
Please go buy a subscription to your local news paper if it still exists, even if you almost never read it.
$10,000 fine on a $1,000,000 lottery is just a 1% tax. I’m surprised he even bothered to notice.
Mmm boot. Tell me your opinions on the French or American revolutions next. No one was oppressed under a monarchy were they?
Freeze Peach!!!
Wait did MGT, just have a moment of self-awareness seeing Loomer?
This was my first thought, but apparently it’s another right winger ::gasp::
The fuck they don’t
Might try cinnamon and solid back sweeten for a fall cider.
Have you experimented with different yeast? I really like using wilder (more lacto) yeast strains made for belgians and saisons.
Can get pregnant at 16, math checks out.
I used to use nova and switched to Niagara a couple of months ago. It very different but super sleek
His whole speech was a call for bipartisanship and for all workers to unite along class lines. Aside from a tiny bit of pandering to the venue/audience which makes the rightwing audience more receptive to the message, he didn’t endorse or praise the Republican party. If you want Republican voters to wake up and vote in their own interest, this is how the message has to go. It’s also a great way to sow division within the Republican party.
It’s worse. It’s an unplanned doublespeak that does both.
Expanding not baking a cake for a gay wedding to all of health care is a fascist dystopia. Hypothetical: The one doctor in rural town refuses treatment to any minority…
It should double for each additional offense.
I am in my mid-30s, and play fortnite semi regularly. Zero-build is just a solid FPS, and the changing load outs keep it fresh. I play pretty much exclusively with friends my age that have moved to other parts of the country and it’s a great way to keep in touch with them.
I can tell you that even tesla’s direct ev station installs can sit on hold for over a year after the final construction drawings are done and permitting has been approved. So, this isn’t a huge surprise to me, and should get better with time.
The founding fathers would have been disgusted but not surprised by this behavior.
Abandon the the two party system and first past the post, vote local, get involved.
It’s a three knuckler