The database is encrypted
The database is encrypted
I wonder if the people having this issue are using chrome. On FF it has never been an issue for me.
Everyone wants they’re piece of the pie. I just want AI to evolve to the point we can use it to create real innovation. But we’ll never get there with all these greedy removed.
I was thinking about this the day the NG video came out lol it really was crazy timing.
Exciting times for hackers !
The echo chamber is pretty bad here. I also don’t like that people here downvote opinions they don’t agree with, Reddit did this too though. I don’t think opinions should ever be voted on, up or down. People see which types of opinions get the most upvotes and it causes them to not express their true opinions for fear of being downvoted.
It depends on the amount of extra batteries that are made. In 2022, 225 million iPhones were sold. If an extra battery for every phone was produced, but only half of those consumers ever buy a new battery then we are looking at over 100 million wasted batteries. Then eventually all of those 225 million consumers would get a new phone anyways, so it still becomes waste at some point. I’m sure they will get better at predicting how many extra batteries to make eventually though. I do wonder how much it’s needed these days though. I get a new device every ~ 18 months but my spouse uses devices for ~ 5 years before getting a new one. She usually gets a new one just because of newer features, battery degradation doesn’t seem to be as much of an issue anymore.
It’s looking like Linus should have taken that $100 million offer he got and left when he had the chance.
While I am for this, this could create more E waste. Now there will be companies producing more batteries as consumers can now swap out batteries. So it’s possible that tons of batteries now just sit on shelves for years and eventually end up going to waste.
Nothing about that entire situation is good advertising.
Now you can get a summary of the best fake reviews!
That thing does indeed keep the car cooler.
I used ATT for ~ 5 years and then switched to Verizon for ~ 2 years, now I’m on straight talk which is a reseller for Verizon and ATT. Never had an issue using unlocked or rooted hotspots.
I just don’t see why they wouls use any of that as it all can be faked. I’m going to set fake user agents on my mobile browser and change my devices TTL to 128 (windows default) and see if I can supply any other fake metadata just to see what happens. Can you supply any documentation showing that carriers use any of that data to prevent using a hotspot? What do you mean by “aosp snitches you out”, I’ve used official and custom roms for at least a decade and used hotspots weekly across all of them and I’ve never had any kind of issue.
TTL on Android is 64 by default. Anyone can change their TTL on a PC to 64 which is why I am not willing to believe carriers use TTL as a metric for determining who is on PC or mobile. At least not without seeing evidence to support this. That would be incredibly stupid of them to do.
I’ve used root or unlocked devices for years and have never had an issue with throttling or a portal. I use a hotspot on my laptop weekly.
Just go to hotspot in your settings and enable it. If you have an unlocked device. If it’s locked you can root the device to get this functionality.
I had mistaken molly for a different signal fork. Molly just uses an encrypted local db that doesn’t rely solely on the OS encryption method.