Get your biter eggs on board. We gonna make promethium science.
I am still baffled by these idiots after I learned how 5g works. It isn’t just frequencies increases (I could see why someone might be sceptical about this one). The main difference is simply using another protocol which allows to send more bits with a single signal.
The logistics isn’t that much of a problem. Start small and make yourself a name by being trustworthy and way cheaper than the competition. If you succeed at this stage you can hire people and expand in no time.
Physicists also use rads for circular motions.
And growing tobacco is Not AS suspicious as coca
But they are the ones who fucked everything up and if humanity is going extinct I expect these assholes to Die for what they did.
Sadly a flood won’t solve the problem. The rich assholes just gonna step onto their yachts and sail away.
It took me way to long to realise its Britain. My first thought was, that it would be the US and then got confused because this wasn’t the US.
You could have read about it the day after getting elected to the jury so…
This is The first time i understood what was meant by this part of the bible.
This is absolutely true
While this is absolutely true, I dont think, that this is the cause of the current uprise of facism.
But we are working on yourself to catch up with the US.
Schwanzus Longus (this is the German Version)
Its literally bash
Ahhhhh, now I get it. Thanks for the clarification.
“The word is CELEBRATE!” sobs the old monk.
I don’t get the punchline.
Oh, so youre already coming near the end. The last two books are fucking great. They are absolutely fantastic.
I think last year I saw this story of someone going to an MRI with a buttplug which then “transformed into an anal railgun”
You dont even have to say that communism is bad. Saying that Stalin was kinda bad and killed millions of people gets you banned.