Living over 10.000 miles away, and trying to get a shit hole country to move it’s ass.
And are willing to do absolutely nothing about it…
Who is trying to bust Luigi out? Who is copying him? Who is doing anything about this? But they are happy to complain on the internet about it, so at least there is that.
Falkor tried crack.
Sure, take the scariest and most stupid weapon of this age, and put it on a drone with a bomb…
Looks more like photos mid scratch.
I’m going to be a bit provocative here and ask people:
What are YOU doing about it?
Biden is an embarrassment
Embarrassment is the key word… And besides, there is the next old guy…
Yes. Just him…
Maybe the ICC and UN should just buy more weapons than israel. Then the shit hole country would be THEIR bitch instead of Benjamin’s… After Putin has zipped up of course…
Money and racism seems to be the only motivation for that place.
I totally agree. Fuck up that knee!
“Boss, you’re not allowed to report me for stealing in the workplace, because I quit”
We have equipment to measure down to microns, and my students often test how fine details they can feel.
Lead… I’m not kidding.
When people don’t protect their privacy, their data will automatically be used for tailor made ads, posts and videos. We believe anything if packaged right.
The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal was just the start.
“Parties? Were we’re going, we don’t need parties.”
A very good way of getting him elected again, is to give him publicity.
That’s how I understood it and what I’m agreeing with. It’s how companies like Cambridge Analytica came to be. How people came to be so manipulated.
No one cares about privacy or rights
First Cambridge Analytica data scandal happend, then the whole world suddenly voted for right wing extremes.