That one Britney Spears episode of South Park that ends with her death
That one Britney Spears episode of South Park that ends with her death
Anything that makes Matt Gaetz angry is my favorite thing
There aren’t. Supreme Court is compromised, the fifth circuit is compromised. Gerrymandering and other nonsense that weakens our democratic ability to vote.
We could make so many changes from one person one vote to ranked voting to ending the two political party dominance and we’d see these people disappear overnight.
But they have the money and the friends to prevent that from happening
Any day now those vaxxed will drop dead!!
There will be a leak he’s getting a head of it
Unfortunately you’re very right. Alternatively nature is very potent at equalizing. Let’s watch how that unfolds
I’m just saying no matter what green initiatives we take won’t really help because there’s too many people. On no scale is feeding this increasing number of people going to be environmentally viable.
Putin’s cronies don’t turn on him. Trump will never turn on Putin and talk bad about him
climate friendly anything.
there are simply too many people
Republicans are so desperate they’ll try literally anything
They fear the precedent set. If we don’t let criminals play now it means the criminals might get punished more. Christie is one of those criminals
I do not know. In my life time. Clinton happened, GorevBush happened, 9/11 happened, Iraq/Afghanistan happened, 2008 happened, the Tea Party happened, Trump happened, COVID happened.
And people are still unsure what to do and what the right moves are. We need better politicians, where the fuck are they?
Assange is scum. He acts as if he is a bastion of truth but he has his own agenda and it is not in line with those who need help
Are you trusting the same gas(oxygen) that caused an extinction event and is known to kill people when exposed to fire??
what are you? stupid?
His ilk has been BODIED in every election against the softest most mild candidates. He’s got no shot bro.
The hype for him has really died off and most of the sorta Trumpers moved away. He’s done and the Republicans are too. They will rebrand the next few elections and try to find a new strategy to continue. Lindsey Graham knew what he was talking about when he said his infamous quote