Trolling is a art.
Trolling is a art.
In high school, me and my fellow outcast friends made our own slang. The idea what to make it so mind numbingly cringe that even using our slang to mock us would be social suicide for the cool kids. I don’t know if that last part worked, but we were pretty damn cringe.
I’d give examples, but it’s all in Norwegian, and incredibly cringe.
That is a Seven Nation Army.
In a 1000 years, the robots that take over after us will think this is really funny.
I’m not the one purity testing, so I don’t know how long the taint sticks.
Also, on the subject of soap boxes, I’m just babbling on the internet. We all come here to read and express opinions, right? Mine is that there is no way I can possibly know who associated with what product donated to what political campaign, so I’m having trouble mustering outrage about this one asshole doing asshole things. They’re all assholes.
If anything, my soap box cry is “Meh, whatever”
I find lots of entertainment in silly stuff, like debates about the earth being flat or not. As it turns out, the planet Earth might be an oblate spheroid. Who knew?!
Just because you don’t find anything of use to you, and keep clicking the click bait so it recommends more clickbait, doesn’t mean nobody else uses the site. I like to have silly shit running in the background while I work. Maybe you listen to music instead? It’s not like we all have to like the same things.
I’m going to be super-mega-controversial here, and tell you all how I removed ads on YouTube:
YouTube Premium.
Yes, I realize it’s not very common to pay for the services we use these days, but I watch enough YouTube that I though it’d be neat. It is. No ads, except the direct sponsors of the people I actually watch. I only wish that this would make them not also sell my data, and track the shit out me, and all that jazz. I’d like to be the customer, if you’d let me, Alphabet.
…so what do you use instead?
No, really, what browser can you use where none of the influential developers involved is some kind of asshole and/or ultracapitalist? Chrome? If Chrome is off the table, wouldn’t that “infect” all the Chromium-based browsers? Firefox is out for the same reasons Brave is, I guess, due to the same guy.
Where is the line drawn? At what point does any software become okay to use? Linus Torvalds used to be a real cunt, though I’ve heard his attitude towards us mortals has improved over the last decade or so. Does that mean I can use Linux on Thursdays now?
This purity testing is stupid because you readily use a bunch of random crap where you have no idea how bigoted or not the creators are. It is literally impossible to vet everything. I don’t use Brave, but it has nothing to do with this random C-level asshole. Being some kind of asshole is a requirement for a C-level position anyway, so let’s not pretend like Mitchell Baker is a saint or that Sundar Pichai walks on water. It’s all the same mush.
In the end, I care if the software is good. Firefox serves my needs just fine, so that’s what I use most of the time. Not as a political stance, but because I’m comfortable with the software. I bet at least 18 people involved secretly hate cats. Oh no, that means my purity is compromised. Oooof Nooooof!
“Water accused of being wet in lawsuit” next, I guess.
It’s just some Sales Optimization Consultant trying to justify their existence. Leave them be, they have their own problems.
Hah, that’s part of what I want to do with z0rz.net
Like War for the Overworld? That’s very close to Dungeon Keeper.
And yeah, B&W with real ML and proper physics? Yessss, I wantssssss it.
Makes me want to learn how to say “Go fuck yourself” in a Native American language.
If you use hunter2 as a password, everyone will think you’re joking.
It’s hard to just quit something you’ve nurtured for years.
Well, teeeeeechnically not, as there was no sexual interaction and no full nudity.
However, if someone is explaining how they’re technically not comitting a felony, they should probably stop.
It occurs to me that the solution might be to start referring to men as “wermen” again, and revert “men” to it’s gender neutral roots. That also means we can have a bunch of other prefixes for other genders.
Languages are fun.