Ah. Okay, grumpy physicist who objects to the term “God Particle” signing off. 🙃
Ah. Okay, grumpy physicist who objects to the term “God Particle” signing off. 🙃
Interesting. I haven’t heard of that breed before and I’m having trouble finding anything by searching - could you toss me a link or something?
Yeah… am I missing something here? I don’t get the joke.
I’m also very disappointed in the so-called accomplishments of the Biden/Harris administration, but I firmly believe the DNC’s complete unwillingness to run a primary without thumbing the scale is the main reason for how awful the last 12 years have been. If they could just run a normal goddamn primary without the bullshit we may be able to unify behind the nominee a little easier.
It would be nice if they could at least acknowledge the broken (removed?) PS4 to PS5 save transfer function. I was interested in some of the recent updates but found out those same updates had removed the feature I needed to continue my old save. So I just didn’t play instead.
Hi, Negative Nancy here: what exactly should I take this to be other than either A) useless drivel or B) propaganda?
Because presidents are demonstrably not like us. They only come from the rich and they are fully above the law. They can decide, based on nothing but their own ego, that they need to run the country and anyone that stands in their way gets to be demonized by an extremely well-funded political party.
They can spend their entire career making student loan debt an unshakeable yolk for an entire generation and then pretend like they’re doing something about it by following through on existing law and failing to do anything substantial.
In fact I strive to do as little as possible. I only work to pay the bills. If I could luck upon a comfortable enough nest egg I would quit working immediately and just play games the rest of my life (video & board, solo and with friends/family).
Hell, I may end up contributing more to society that way since I enjoy dabbling in video game design but don’t have enough time to actually work towards anything I could release. If I had time, maybe I’d actually create something for a wider audience rather than whatever minor contribution I have at work.
Cursed cat… hands? Paws? Somewhere in between?
The difference is that it’s the same “you have to make the safe choice now and you’ll get to make things better later” every single cycle. Many of us see it all as a facade that will never end, and watch the Democratic Party actively work against our interests in the meantime.
But we can’t ever dare express discontent online without vitriol from people who can’t seem to handle the fact that others might not be convinced by “I’m not a Republican” anymore.
The options are either personally fix our entire country or shut up and follow orders? This unwillingness to accept criticism of the Democratic Party is exactly why people like me feel unrepresented by it. We see a party working against our interests and a fan base frothing at the mouth anytime anyone dares speak against them.
Have you ever complained about the Republicans? If so, why don’t you stop complaining about it and personally fix the country?
Wow, all two of them? Get a higher bar. I’m not even young.
All three Democratic presidents I’ve been alive for have been pretty bad too. Turns out I’m not represented very well in our plutocracy, and it’s pretty tiring to hear the endless defense of the wealthy elite that actively work against all of us.
Planck scale units aren’t known or typically assumed to be minimum units. They’re just the units that come out of combining some fundamental constants and are thought to represent a scale where the effects of quantum gravity have too much effect to be ignored. They just represent a theoretical limit to the validity of our current models.
Human knowledge will continue to push these boundaries as long as humans still exist, but it’s arrogant to think our current human limitation is a universal limitation.
It’s almost as if the Democrats want to accomplish nothing while claiming they’re doing everything they can.
And let’s not act like the presidential candidate has no effect on the races themselves. Biden being a milquetoast neoliberal head of the party was not what we needed to retake Congress. And it’s not going to help in 2024 either. God, Democratic apologists are the worst hypocrites.
“You have to vote for Biden or Trump will do all of these things!”
“Biden is bad on those issues too.”
“Something something it doesn’t count for him.”
And yet I’m sure you would happily throw tons of those up as a reason Trump must stay out of office. Which is it?
Are you seriously arguing that criticisms of Democrats don’t count if the Republicans hold the same position? Wanna think about that one again?
We’ve been playing that game for decades, but especially since 2016. This will be the third cycle in a row of “just this once because we need to beat Trump, then you can have a turn next time.”
Meanwhile things continue to get demonstrably worse. This is not sustainable.
Well, it is canon that the Abrahamic god kills children en masse sometimes. He does love a good genocide.
Choosing not to prop Trump up as a pied piper during the primaries would also have been a good step. And putting anyone but one of the most unelectable politicians against him would also have been a good idea.
Same here, but I hate it. My body clearly fights against me and when I take time off I naturally drift towards my preferred sleeping schedule.
I wish I had the option to adjust my work schedule, but I don’t. (Inb4 “get a new job” without any consideration for why I might not be able to do that or why that might not get me the result I want.)
You’ve led me astray! Haha, no worries. I probably should have figured that but I try not to assume that new information is false just because I haven’t heard it before. The post as a whole primed me to think there was some missing piece of info I hadn’t heard before.