Same here. Though my permanent ban came from telling a mod at r/conservative to enjoy getting penetrated in his gaping asshole by Donald Drumpf. I don’t think he liked that one
Same here. Though my permanent ban came from telling a mod at r/conservative to enjoy getting penetrated in his gaping asshole by Donald Drumpf. I don’t think he liked that one
Shoulda smacked a Republican with his pimp cane. But I’ll take give him some grace because he’s the only Democrat that did anything besides those bitch ass signs
I just want the email address for that virgin kid Big Ballz
Only democrat there with a spine. Hope the rest get replaced
Oh god yeah that was cringe. The lady looked like a total Karen too
I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when he brought up the kid with cancer during his speech. The dumbass is literally cutting cancer research funding. Way to use that kid as a prop to pretend he cares in any way…
Gaming and smoking a shit ton of weed in retirement is gonna be great… if we still have social security and access to 401k’s at that point lmao
For the party that’s anti-gay… gotta say this is pretty gay