May the 5th be with you!
May the 5th be with you!
What on earth is cancel culture? All I remember is that it was a buzz word like 8 years ago. These people are living in the past.
My ex’s parents are black Republicans. Because of church. They are nice people, but exist in a bubble. They don’t read news, live in BFE, very poor. All they know is that their friends vote R so they do also. There not bad people, just set in their ways.
I hate people like this. You took an oath to uphold peace, foreign or DOMESTIC. You can’t defend a country if you don’t plan to protect everyone that belongs to the country. You don’t get to pick and choose who you protect. What a piece of shit.
Not true. My dog farts on me for more often then I fart on a horse. So for its about a billion to zero.
It’s a zero resistance environment. Usually you would have to use liquid nitrogen to freeze something lime a hockey puck. There are some really cool things you can do then. Especially with magnets. Lay out a track of magnets and something thar is superconducting will hover over then. If you push it it will keep its speed unless acted upon by other forces. Now imagine we don’t need to freeze the material…
deleted by creator
The problem is that it’s an ubisoft game. That means we’re gonna have to use the crappy usibsoft launcher.
I would make people, on live TV make little mistakes. A sneeze here, a fart there! The background falls apart, take that the teleprompter!!!
Most men I have worked with would absolutely love to have a health loving lunch. You reach a certain age where you can actually appreciate something like this, and understand that your health is important.
Why do I keep getting woken up this way!!
I travel for work and thus rent a lot of cars. Can confirm there are far too many options. What’s worse is that new cars don’t have an option for the USB to type C. It’s just type C to C, which is a cord that almost no one owns. Why not have both in the cars!! Bur yeah the new cars all do something a bit different in annoying ways.
FYI: My favorite vehicles. 1 Honda Civic, 2 Kia Soul.
I was gonna say the same thing.
Even if this story is true. They get caught embezzling. Trump started a insurrection, lied under oath, ect. Hypocrisy right there ladies and gents.
Release the Kracken!!!
I would argue that the physical quality of life is obviously much better. But that the mental health of everyone is eroding. Propaganda, lies on both sides of the political spectrum, extremist influences (alex jones R, cody johnson L). People are slammed with stress and depression. With no relief. How much stress has money, politics, and work caused. I don’t have the answer, but I do think that addressing the mental health problem is step 1.
Side note: If you disagree with a someone and your first instinct is to belittle and insult them for having a difference of opinion, then you are the problem.
Actually a lot of the maps you are used to seeing do not accurately depict the land size a lot of countries. Mainly USA, Canada, and Russia. Google it.
Just to check some niche subreddits. Browser only, no sign in. And once I find what I need on the lemmyverse I’m all done.
When these studios shut down all we will have left will be from pirates.
Just use aqua de gio or Jimmy choo
He is a dentist, obviously he needs to check the balls with his teeth. It’s a medical procedure.