probably not willingly
probably not willingly
i wish that there was a description of what the practical & legal ramifications could be.
What, “don’t elect fascists?” “Less evil is better, actually?” …
everyone who disagrees with you is wrong; therefore they must drop their silly principals and fall in line because things are getting worse.
… “For the love of god, at least vote?”
leftists are highly engaged and vote, we’re the 3rd party people; that’s why the vote counts are always just as reliable as the republicans.
democrats are the ones tanked democrats when they didn’t show up to vote, so they’re your people; why not ask them?
this is not snark: i’m serious about this; digging into this is the reason why i’m not longer a democrat (i also know that i can’t sway you w stats, so this is the only way).
Y’all are having a conversation that’s two-thirds making up what you pretend I must think. I’m glad it’s going well for you. I’m not sure my participation was necessary.
i experience the same thing when i make unpopular comments in the diet reddit instances like .world.
social media tribalism is a FASCINATING phenomenon. in the future there will be two lemmy’s, one with its original instances as it is now and another one with the diet reddit instances (assuming that they can figure out how to get more non-leftist content & community that can compete w bluesky, reddit, or twitter).
Do you think all of them doing it makes it less stupid?
no more stupid than racking up election failures due to willfully ignoring the reasons for those failures and expecting things to change despite doing the same thing over and over again.
like abolition and suffrage it’s going to take generations for things in this country to get better so long as opinions like yours are popular and; also just like back then; it will be despite the liberals.
i’m aware that it comes across as condescension, but i can assure you that it’s no more, nor less condescending than your own comment:
Y’all think the trolley problem is a silly cartoon, huh.
i shared my “i was like you once” memory because i can see that your views comes from the same propagandized ignorance that my mine did and i thought it might help; i used to say the same things you just did.
i’ve since learned that the poor voter turn out is a symptom our voting system; not a principled stance to withhold votes. harris lost because disaffected democrats have lost faith in the system; not because leftist withheld suppor. even if ALL of the leftists in this country had voted for harris, she still would have lost; there aren’t enough leftists in this country to make up for the number of liberals that she lost during the election because of the democrats shift towards conservatism. (they will continue to lose as they keep going right wards).
people stop voting once they realize that democrats aren’t going to shit to help after the boot has stomped on their necks one too many times and don’t know what to do about it; so they just stay home on election day (that’s why the marginalized don’t vote as much as everyone else) and this punch-left-mentality helps ensure that they will never know what to do about it.
that greater evil you were referring to will keep wining so long as we don’t bother to learn from the people who came before us.
i keep getting stunned at how well curated it is.
i’d like to think i’ve always been (at least) vaguely aware that i was being manipulated; but watching the “islands of sanity” i’ve used to help me cope for the last few decades of my life kowtow in real time has been more eye opening than the tiny bits of theory i’ve started so far.
americans are not aware that they’re in a hole until the boot steps on their neck one too many times.
In the meantime: this is the hole we are in. Act accordingly.
the meantime seems permanent right now because of takes like this.
it’s easy to understand to understand where you’re coming from because i use believe in the same thing; but age and experienced has prodded me learn that we’re in this hole because a HUGE majority people don’t bother to read.
my own experience tells me that you’re at least vaguely aware that history repeats itself and the people of the past wrote down what worked and what didn’t work at the cost of their lives in their own efforts at making things better; just like what you and beshear are probably trying to do. (if you’ve done the homework, you would already know that it’s not going to work like it hasn’t worked over the last 150+ years).
things are not going to get better until we start educating ourselves on why we’re in this hole and “acting accordingly” only keeps us down like crabs in a bucket.
Now these major publications are large, and they’ve certainly published more than one perspective. But the overarching effort, as the sympathy for Luigi and the rage against UnitedHealth refuse to go away, has increasingly gone towards discouraging people from any sort of class consciousness. And yet this push is failing…
they’ve seemed to ceded this ground on late night tv and stopped talking about it except for the barest minimum of acknowledgement; they’re learning how to mitigate this movement and it makes me fear that they’ll eventually figure out how to destroy it like they did every single other time in the past.
i wonder if democrats will still vote for him in a re-election after trump leaves office considering that democrats were willing to accept a genocide to make a cop the president.
every once-in-a-while they’ll let us have to table scraps to make it look like the legacy media isn’t COMPLETELY out of touch.
probably the best way to celebrate; i think i’ll do the same thing rn. lol
In your shoes: I would run journalctl -f
and then try plugging in your adapter and watch the logs scroll as you do it to catch for errors, failures, timeouts, or even if it detected anything at all .
Opponents of Medicare for All argued that the platform was heavily based on the draft produced by a joint task force of Biden and Sanders supporters.
“This language that we supported in the Biden-Sanders unity task force was agreed by all members,” Chris Jennings, a former aide of Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton who served on the health care task force, told The Wall Street Journal. “It’s a part of the strongest health care language in the Democratic Party’s history.”
Did Bernie decide to stop pretending?
I’m not a lawyer; but I suspect that’s an illegal question if you’re in the United States
i saw someone else try to share a similar message on tiktok yesterday and the overwhelming majority of the american users referred theory as little more than “book clubs for intellectuals” despite the chinese & latin american users trying to defend its usefulness on the same post.
getting my feet wet with this reading list is making it clear to me that i’m still a heavily propagandized american liberal and some of the tiktokers who called it a book club had seemingly more knowledge of theory that I did, so i wasn’t qualified to speak up. what would your response be to such a criticism?
llm’s are dangerous and should never be used; but an overwhelming majority use it nonetheless.
The Democrats returned to power in 2018, 2020, and outperformed the polls in 2022. Biden increased funding for ICE and built miles of the border wall to almost no protest. A mass movement finally emerged at the end of 2023 demanding the US stop arming Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Popular as this sentiment was, it was seen by much of the former “Resistance” coalition as threatening the Democrats’ chances against Trump in 2024…
ie the democrats refused to listen to constructive criticism from the other leftists about their policies on things genocide and immigration because they conflated ANY criticism w trump support …
… But a new season of resistance will begin, nonetheless. Rather than ignore them entirely, the lessons learned from the last eight years must be brought to these struggles as they form.
however, the democrats are STILL refusing accept that constructive criticism and their leadership are proselytizing against “cow towing” to the leftists despite their overwhelming election loss for doing that exact same thing.
Professional Democrats will lose jobs, but they can at least feel accomplished in having ushered in a new reactionary Deep State that will crush any progressive movements for generations to come.
As they become a permanent loyal opposition, the Democrats will deploy strategies to lure us back to their table. It will not be a hard case to make. Running as a Democrat, or entering its patronage network, is the easiest way to bring popular demands rooted from the struggle towards the surface. There, they can grow until mowed down, again and again.
Eventually, the Democrats may again dangle another Sanders before us. By then, it will be no use to warn our comrades that the sirens of social democracy are calling them to champagne graves. Everybody wants something like a revolution, but intellectual denunciation cannot sate real hunger …
ie prepare yourself because; from now on; every time a trump like figure shows up, the democrats are going to trip over themselves again looking for scapegoats, excuses, rationalizations, etc.; ANYTHING that will spare them from having to consider enacting policies that will address desires and needs of their voters.
this is the new reality in this country. 🤦 jfc!!!
it’s the media making you believe that we’re in the minority and they’re smart enough to know that 40% is sufficiently plausible for luigi.
just like you; everyone else is having the same thought and wondering if they were right about luigi and that’s the goal; they will likely win because of this.