shit, im sorry you have to deal with that. :(
you should grab the police officer’s gun
(im sorry, im so sorry i couldn’t help that one please don’t hate me)
shit, im sorry you have to deal with that. :(
you should grab the police officer’s gun
(im sorry, im so sorry i couldn’t help that one please don’t hate me)
obsessive compulsive disorder includes constant intrusive thoughts?
edit: holy shit TIL
ken paxton is a slimy little cunt that shouldn’t be underestimated. i have no doubt behind closed doors he pulled every dirty trick in the book. this is the kind of person that finds and keeps dirt on anyone that might try to destroy him.
and when you have 2/3 the politicians in your pocket, it’s easy to strong arm enough of the other 1/3 to stfu and keep their heads down.
it wasn’t like republicans saw the limelight was on the case and decided to play nice. quite the opposite. the reps that started this whole fight are establishment republicans trying to get their party in the people’s good graces enough to save their fucking party in 2024.
the dumbass think tanks don’t get that (or rather, think they can work with that) and have been performing actions that add nail after nail into their coffin.
give the editor that chose the rudy pic a fucking raise
so i’ll go ahead and say it, are those classic fucking sugar booger tremors he has going on? dude looks like he’s straight up coke tweaking.
ah yes bot! a succinct 11 points were included in the tl;dr for the article which clearly states 11 moments.
you nailed every single one of them.
good bot.
sweeter than the pudding sucked from these three fingies from ol puddin ron
cool let’s ban all pornographic literature too. watch the karen’s rise up at the ban of their smut romance novels.
skeleton run or bust
and their less popular cousin, yakisoba westerns
and they loved him, for he did not use a watermark
deleted by creator
get this, there’s often times “advance notice” that a VIP is going to visit a major venue.
certainly enough time to stitch the banner together and get up in the air to let the shitbag really know how they feel.
either they had the money to pay someone for the service of doing this, or they put in the hours to get their pilots license and a plane and fuel and a banner.
either way, it’s a worthwhile investment of time and money if you ask me.
shit has more uses though. kinda mean to compare shit to whatever they are…
found the bmw driver at heart
what like 2, 3 trips to tahiti?
it’s worth noting that we should be reminded of the rosenbergs if you want to see what should and used to be done to those who sold state secrets. and those weren’t state secrets that led to unprecedented amounts of CIA assets being killed.
if it wouldn’t turn his dumb ass into a martyr by his followers, i’d say he should meet the same fate the rosenbergs had.
as it is, with how hard he fucked over the CIA, i won’t be surprised if he suddenly has a heart attack or disappears years down the line.
there is a difference between saying what you mean, personally, versus personifying what one imagines the GOP leadership running the state of louisiana would say based on their voting record and obvious stances.
the person saying the comment above likely doesn’t think the people of louisiana don’t require doctors, but is instead saying that the state, as a whole, is reaping what they sow.
it’s unfortunate that there are going to be a lot of people that get fucked over on this. and a lot of people will have to do a lot of traveling to get procedures done. and it’s going to be painful. and that pain unfortunately needs to occur, or else the powers that be won’t realize how far they’re fucking over the citizens of their state.
it’s a hard lesson that’s being learned. idaho is learning it too. it fucking sucks.
brain drain is real. and the folks that ensured that it was possible are going to reap what they sow.
right now as far as lousiana the state government is concerned, they would rather have the coverage of a religious based rule than a gay doctor that could save the lives of so many children.
in which case: the hyperbolic statement that “there’s no need for doctors in red states, they have prayers” is, in essence, an accurate hyperbolization.
mmmmmmmm apple pickin