Love how confused it gets with drawing parking spots
Love how confused it gets with drawing parking spots
And the authors are father and son!
Just a no name knockoff killawatt meter, I think it was $10-15
My desktop Jellyfin/aarr stack and nextcloud server runs about 1.2kwh/day. So not bad but not free
Don’t forget learning about systemd and then immediately deciding you actually don’t like it and would prefer something else
Also, and just out of interest, is your government still using “prisoner’s of conscience” as an organ donor pool
I use PIA because it’s cheap as dirt. I don’t use their client and I have it setup so exclusively my torrent client uses it. It works for my use case because I’m pretty much just trying to avoid nasty letters from my ISP. I wouldn’t trust them with any of my regular traffic because they’re sketchy and there’s got to be a reason they’re so cheap.
Although I would consider what your usecase for a VPN is - ie what attack vectors are you trying to protect against when using it for regular traffic? There’s arguably very little a VPN does to protect you on public WiFi and also opens you up to new risks
Great username
Haha that would be Microsoft just shifting money from one pocket to the other. GitHub, Azure and (effectively) OpenAI are all Microsoft
Jellyfin app (at least for Android) can play in external video players.
Shouldn’t need one if you trust your seedbox provider to not log. And even if you don’t trust them you’d need to find a VPN to trust more and they’re almost all super sketchy.
Are you not aware that 99 times out of 100 if you see a tech company rapidly growing it’s completely unprofitable and not even attempting to be profitable yet? It’s called blitzscaling and is pretty clearly what openai is attempting. Like if you see a tech company quickly growing you should be assuming it’s unprofitable until proven otherwise not the opposite lol.