Lol, like anyone here is going to do anything other than protect their own comforts
Lol, like anyone here is going to do anything other than protect their own comforts
*Since it’s inception
I’m not saying that the examples for your point don’t exist, but it feels like every time they do this it bites them in the ass super hard. These moves alienate people and are a great way to kill energy on the left. Unless we’re just saying that left-most voters don’t matter again.
Unless you’re wealthy, you probably not. If anything, they’ll probably go up for all the money they’re not taking from the wealthy
And I will remain blind to them. America is about to live in the context of the Coconut Lady. (I will support whoever gets the nomination at the end of the DNC.)
All the way up until this past Friday I was certain he was going to hold on with a feeble death grip until the very end. While I’m extremely excited about this, I hope that liberals leftists and everyone left of center realizes, now that he’s out, you absolutely have to support Kamala. She may be a cop, and all cops are bastards. But we can save the criticisms until after we’ve blocked the hyper fascists
I’m not talking about messaging to the average voter. These articles are directed at leftist and leftist communities.
Why is it every single day I’m being inundated with posts of “biden’s not that bad” “if you don’t vote for Biden you’ll get Trump” Wouldn’t the messaging be much better if it was “Hey, you may not like Biden, but it’s easier to form progressive coalitions under liberal governments” stop trying to make him look good. He’s still a genocide enabler, much like every other president would be, I can admit that. Liberals really need to give up on getting people to like him.
Beep boop