Just the way they wanted it
Just the way they wanted it
Maybe it’s time to actually look to the other countries in the world and see what they’re doing right and take notes
But that would admit America isn’t perfect and 77 million Americans would have a damn meltdown hearing that
calling furries wrong opinions in a Linux community
That’s a bold move Cotton let’s see if it pays off
Just go back to rocks on a scale we’ll be fine
No actually we would probably be really sweet to each other and understanding. I am not naturally very competitive or hostile.
Lmao k bye Proton
This doesn’t seem to mirror my experiences, is the DNC actually pushing a position of not worrying about the situation? Or is this in relation to lack of newsworthy action from a lot of the party heads? /gen
Edit: Just wanted to say thank you for the good examples. Check my replies.
Their goal isn’t to answer and prove why they need to do it, their goal is to stall as long as possible because they don’t even believe in what they’re fighting for beyond furthering Trump’s agenda
<p>Hello world</p>
Time for a boffee
That’s a strange way to get rickrolled
And now it’s time to secure erase your SSD before it sees the light of day
Thank you for helping host a less awful internet :)
I hit the point where I just throw on Fedora and call it a day
I also have a LFS VM I look at every few months and wonder if I want to do something with it
Might not at that point, we’ll see 😮💨
Oye. Señora. Tuviste advertencias.
Seriously there were a lot of Latinos that voted even for this election because of a misguided sense of loyalty to the conservatives and their alignment with Christianity and toxic positivity. Brainwashed, like other folks, except they’re the ones who are going to pay for it.
I hope they finally get it after making it through the persecution we’re going to receive at the hands of emboldened and empowered racism.
When your language and numerical project managers don’t talk to each other
I wish it was the heaviest thing I dealt with. It is big but my God, (mandatory) Microsoft apps, particularly Teams and Outlook, make that look small in comparison
Alright if that’s your view of it then fine, punch them down, but prop something up that’s suitable. America is on fire right now. The people need something to rally behind that isn’t MAGA. All the opposition wants to do is infight. There’s nothing uniting everyone except Fuck Trump.
Nope gotta go through triage and evaluate it next week and hey it’s a rarely used function and has over 1 story points so let’s address it next year despite how the fix is already in your head