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I’m an advocate for digital privacy, better cycling infrastructure (and culture), linux using nerd, who listens to all kinds of music
he/him, ally
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@Jakeroxs Yeah my response was directed at Pratai
@xmunk @Sprite If your design rules emphasize contrast, it would be poorer design to highlight both buttons and it’s not in the colour palette to have a ‘mild’ highlighting like Windows used to have (I think some KDE desktop themes do this too) that suggests which button is the accept button, but doesn’t give the other ones zero highlighting.
@Pratai @Jakeroxs I hardly use emojis and I don’t accept your answer either, because the premise of “nobody old uses them if they want to be taken seriously” just isn’t true.
If you base your argument around a fact, which turns out to be false, that’s okay, just accept when people point that out, or look it up to confirm or deny your fact.
If you simply think emojis are immature and you don’t like them, that’s an opinion, which is more respectable.
@nodsocket @PetDinosaurs > OP: what socialist policies would you implement?
> commenter: what do you mean by socialism?
> OP: let’s go with an incorrect definition of socialism. what social democrat policies would you implement?
@Thanatos931 @clark Worth noting that all of this is dependent on housing being attainable. Here in Victoria, :canparrot: rent for a room is often $1000CAD - nobody gets their own place unless they work full time, and well above minimum wage.
Your best bet in this situation is to get a room in a house full of people you like being around, and stay there as long as possible. If you’ve got a place to yourself, stay there. If you can live healthily with your parents, stay there.
@C4d @scytale It’s nice when people actually know how to take care of a knife. It’s WAY MORE IMPORTANT to know how to cook, shop, and plan meals, but there are two basic things you should know:
- Don’t drag the blade along the fucking cutting board! Stop it. Use the back (spine) instead when pushing food off
- Swipe it along the honing rod at a 15-30 degree angle every now and then when you notice it feeling sluggish or dull - look it up if you’re not sure
@waterbogan @YoBuckStopsHere Genuinely curious, how the fuck would we enforce such a law? How many children will be hidden and illegitimate because they were born to someone not allowed to conceive?
I suppose child protective services or your local equivalent exists for this reason - you could expand their ability to take kids away from birth onwards if the parents meet those definitions.
@fcSolar These are good additions to the existing constitution.
One thing I would like to add in terms of IP and Patent law is that you are free to reproduce Patented and otherwise protected physical items to any end, provided you make no profit in doing so.
This, coupled with 3D printing and future manufacturing tech, creates the foundation for a library/sharing/anarchic economy
@aulin I don’t use data and wanted to be able to use the internet on my break at work