Doesn’t PixelFed allow marking accounts private though?
Doesn’t PixelFed allow marking accounts private though?
Easily the most effective for me has been to develop, review, and/or do one action item off a plan to be able to leave the job and work towards something I want to spend my time working on. Knowing I have a plan, remembering it and seeing that it’s a good plan, and taking steps on that is a concrete reminder that the job I hate is temporary and I’m not stuck. That reduces the scaries significantly for me.
Then I also like to clean my place, light a scented candle, and read/watch something to make where I live feel cozy, comforting, and home-y. A reminder that even though the job is shit, I have at least built a home that I come back to. Might call a friend and talk it out too - works on both levels.
What do you do?
They’re not entertaining the idea; they’ve already executed it. Women have already been arrested for miscarriages in multiple states.
They all quit, so presumably they’ll attempt to establish themselves as a new publisher. I am.very much hoping for an announcement of that soon. If Annapurna, the parent company, was trying to blend their agencies, it’ll be interesting to see if they can maintain the quality of their productions.
“…because you don’t understand sourdough”
Made me spit up my coffee.
Can’t answer as to why you would buy it again, but for me, I thought about replaying Braid recently only to discover that it was a pretty blurry mess. This looks a lot nicer, and commentary on video game design and development can be really interesting to me, especially since a lot of that is kept behind closed doors still.
Haha same! There’s a place for us though: if you ever get into research, robotic writing tends to work out fairly well!
Sounds like the intro paragraph to someone’s term paper at uni.
Collective action can certainly be powerful. But your plan seems to have some pretty glaring holes. Strikes aren’t protected in the US for non-work-related issues, are they? And you’d have to decide when the strike ends, i.e. when a “good” candidate is proposed, which everyone will have different opinions on. Seems to me the better move would be to be pushing for a rework of the voting system into one that allows voting for other parties without throwing away a vote.
Ah gotcha; that’s helpful. That’s not been my understanding of this content, so I’ll have to look into that, thanks.
You say it’s a copyright license, and I think that’s exactly where I’m struggling with this. My understanding is that this is a license for something copyrighted or otherwise protected. Copyright protects things from their creation. A copyright license provides certain people action that would otherwise be denied by copyright. So are you saying that your understanding is that what we write here on Lemmy is copyrighted, with authors holding the rights? That would be helpful to know because that has not been my understanding of copyright (and I know country plays an important role here), so that would be interesting to look into.
Oh I clicked the link, mate, and read through a couple links deep. What I’m saying is that my understanding of the license is that it allows permissions for a restricted item, but it does not restrict an item with open permissions. You know what I mean? You need to be a rights holder of something that is protected by copyright or the like, and then you can use this license to open permissions in certain ways, in this case that the item can be used for non-commercial means. So this wouldn’t work with stuff on Lemmy, right?
My understanding of the Creative Commons licenses is that they are for providing permission to people to use something that they wouldn’t be able to otherwise, due to copyright or other issues. I don’t think the licenses are capable of limiting what people can do with something if it’s already the wild west, or do I have that wrong?
Sony has already stated they are working on PC support and hope to release it this year: https://blog.playstation.com/2024/02/22/coming-soon-to-ps-vr2-zombie-army-vr-little-cities-bigger-wanderer-the-fragments-of-fate-the-wizards-dark-times-brotherhood-and-more/
Same; first time in years I’ve let it lapse and I’m realizing that I haven’t missed out on anything yet. It was really convenient when I had the higher tier for a bit there because they had a good amount of indie games I wanted to try. But I don’t have the same amount of time for gaming right now, and I would rarely finish those games anyway.
It’s heavily inspired by Chrono Trigger…heavily. It’s got dual-techs, the writing feels very similar at times, the equipment has predictable scaling as the story progresses, and lots more. The dialog is a bit saccharine for my taste; I’ve far preferred Chrono Trigger’s. Chrono Trigger has pleasant and supportive characters, but it hasn’t ever felt over the top. Sea of Stars also has some modern niceties, like timed presses for defense and offense, some interesting spell-boosting mechanics, it’s very pretty at times, etc. And it plays on jrpg tropes at times in a fun way, and didn’t feel like it overstayed its welcome. Since you love Chrono Trigger, my best guess is that I think you’d have fun with Sea of Stars. It won’t blow your mind by any means, but I don’t think you’d regret spending time with it.
I’ve started and stopped it a number of times over the past 20 years or so, and I’m finally playing it all the way through right now. At least one of those times was because I thought I HAD to fight Lavos through the bucket and thought I was expected to grind until I could defeat it lol. This time, I’ve found it really remarkable how tight it is and how well it still holds up today. Even though Sea of Stars came out last year, it feels like Chrono Trigger could have been released alongside it and it would only feel a bit more dated in some respects.
I don’t know Rune well; got excited that there was a new group jumping in on cracking Denuvo. Looks like it’s just a Denuvo-less version that got released, whether intentional or not. That’ll work too!
You can’t drop items in the game and you can’t see item comparisons. Surely, this is less about design choice or more about band-aiding their archaic inventory system?