Did I miss something that walked back the whole ‘separation of church and state’ thing?? There’s been so much shit flying around lately, and so many flies buzzing around carrying that shit…
Operational ingenuity meets existential curiosity | Skeptical optimist, probabilistic thinker, and occasional troublemaker.
Altruism erases constraints. So does caffeine.
Did I miss something that walked back the whole ‘separation of church and state’ thing?? There’s been so much shit flying around lately, and so many flies buzzing around carrying that shit…
The ‘common’ part of ‘common sense’
deleted by creator
Hahahaha Lock it in and hit up suno.ai
If I was a Five Eyes nation, I’d be looking long and hard at reducing head count…or at least changing the name to “Four Eyes and an Asshole”
Say what you mean, mean what you say.
Hands down, when someone is eating while using a handheld phone. No matter how hard you try, mics are designed to pick up audio from near your mouth, you WILL sound like a face hugger from Alien
Absolutely! You can also sync your notes folder/vault by placing them in a connected folder if you’ve already got another cloud sync service
100% Obsidian (https://obsidian.md/)
There is a ton of content out there demo’ing Obsidian, but this 10min video is the one that did the trick for me: https://youtu.be/DbsAQSIKQXk?si=Wm_okygCkRrtqRQa
I saw the post title and was like “no fuckin’ way…”
Love how Arnett called attention to it too. “anyone got the balls to follow up on the mushrooms?” hahahaha
I watched this a handful of days ago. It’s pretty decent, and there was certainly info in there I didn’t know. Some added context to current world events
Love how they get ahead of naysayers right up front by showing that the info being presented is known by anyone that’s been through a mainstream seminary. Then differentiating between biblical scholars and pastors.
Soft to start, but I reckon he’ll get harder the more vigorously I shake him. Who knows though, he may just jiggle around semi-limp like a just-came-2min-ago dick
Don’t forget Trump, I’d be using all three remaining arms to shake him vigorously during the handshake. Diplomatically, of course.
By being overqualified for handshakes and using that as a power move to establish dominance via awkwardness
Not to take anything away from the gravity and impact of this speech, but this happened last week; not yesterday.
This brand of positivity you’re embodying is the most infectious one, and if I can feel it in your writing I imagine hearing it spoken from you would be some next level inspiration.
I’ve lost some people close to me over the years and what saddens me most is how I’ve forgotten so much about them beyond what they looked like. All of them except one…Gordon left behind audio recordings as his last messages to each of us in the group of friends.
Every time I hear his voice, it brings back so much about him that just can’t be said. His cadence, intonation, and overall manner of speaking have helped keep an entire person in my memory.
I wonder if that’s an option for you. I can say from experience that the lasting impact of audio is…powerful. Being able to actually hear my friend…i can imagine him speaking to me, and it’s in his voice because his voice is not forgotten.
Your family hearing your thoughts, in your voice…and being able to hear you speak long after your time…man, I can’t think of a better way to highlight your true personality and make it a lasting one.
Remember when just about every government employee was carrying around a BlackBerry device for official business?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
For some reason, I thought it was codified in…I’m not based in the US so I could very well be off about that. I guess it’s too far along in the takeover for there to be any kind of practical resistance to any of this part