I love this game. Truely. But, if he thinks a throw away line like this is acceptable when both the DLC and creation kit are late then he is sorely mistaken.
I love this game. Truely. But, if he thinks a throw away line like this is acceptable when both the DLC and creation kit are late then he is sorely mistaken.
In Australia these people are deros huffing glue or drinking bowlers run red wine from the bottle. No thanks, I’d rather avoid them.
I always enjoy these retrospective interviews. It was the wild west days for an industry about to strike gold.
Corporatism had not quite taken hold and this led to all sorts of behaviors
I was thinking this last night. Dam man, I just want to know hiw Spike’s truce with cyborg zombie man works out but Disney leaves me with spinning wheels
It changed a few years ago, I believe to improve its nutrition. The change was unpopular in new Zealand and now there is new milo and original.
In nz or Australia a C was 50%.
Reminds me of that classic reddit “You Like That, You Fucking Retard”?
Battle royal’s taught me what it would feel like to be gaslighted. Surely nobody thinks they are fun. The only sane answer is all my friends have conspired to induce paranoia in me.
Anyone having controller issues on Xbox one? As soon as I touch the left stick it gets stuck on auto down. Weird bug.
Whenever will be all good. There are a few things going on over there
Sigil 2 releasing Dec 2023 is epic news.
Dont get me wrong, obsidian has created some of my favorite games. Fallout New Vegas is a masterpiece, but it was a rushed hot mess on launch.
Knights of the old republic 2 is the best example. To be fair its also a masterpiece IMHO.
Never winter 2? I’m struggling to recall, but my impression is that it felt empty compared to 1.
Pillars of eternity set up an amazing world and system, then dialed in the ending with the excuse that the sequel would complete the story. Which it didn’t.
Why is anyone surprised. This has been the case for Harrison Ford movies for the last 10 years. Coasting on properties he didn’t create and had low respect for
Thanks, sad to see that the developers forum is down due to the war.
The game ended abruptly at what felt like the last 30%. So… It felt like a typical obsidian rpg.
I still play Doom 1 & 2 most days. Nothing matches it for speed of play. Doom is fast.
Doom 2016 is a good game too, but I’m it lacks speed.
The Doom unity ports are really good if you only have a console.
Heretic is fantastic but infuriating.
If it’s well designed linear game, then it will be much better than the last sand box collectathon. If.