if your coworker shared smt or you see smt online that made you chuckle, it’s good enough to repost it on lemmy. Dont’ overthink it
Touche, I get your point, indeed there’s a lot of tech supporty posts however narrowing the community is only good when it has enough content
How about we wait out on fragmentation for flagship community of the instance until it starts to get at least 5 posts/day (30 posts/week)?
For lurkers hoarding high quality content for this community, this is your sign to press the button “New post”
The number of times I got asked if import/export can be used instead of sync
Oh snap you’re right, thanks
Don’t you know this rock band: the father, the son and the holy spirit who made mother Theresa pendant
Forbidden loofah
Love the label SMART SOLUTION
And when it doesn’t work, they ram it HARDER
and then people wonder how porn stereotypes can be harmful
alt text is added, cheers
a tech illiterate old friend of mine in his 60s got tasked with changing his simcard for new one. But the network just didn’t appear. Long story short after 3 hrs of headbashing I asked him to send me the photo of simcard itself
that was a valuable afternoon for my humility
alt text: nano-simcard rotated 90 degrees forcefully inserted into standard size simcard frame which is missing micro size simcard frame
note the right side of simcard frame bulging out
I enjoyed this vid and as a contribution I’ll spare y’all loading 20 MB of youtube JS
I’ll just leave here the response from obsidian. If you can extract truthful reason from this corp double speak, please share
Replied above in the root of post replies
Replied above in the root of post replies
Okay, sorry folks that it looks like a bait to beg the question “what you’ve done?”. But the personal subject is private here.
the cat’s expression meant to show gleeful private happiness over some naughty stuff one might have done and got away with
It might be – the image is not oc I just used it as a template ie posted a link to it and added my caption
Pure gold! Imagine how difficult it was to make hundred people to stand still holding a train-like weight over their heads to capture it on prehistoric camera 😅
it’s a response to colleagues putting skill of nocode / zerocode platforms in their CV and demanding onpar compensation
“subzero” here plays a double duty bc it’s a cool character and also bc code, you wrote but was never used, should be counted as negative work i.e. subzero code
TiddlyWiki was infact an inspiration for Obsidian when it just started