Lemmy.world blocks piracy servers and instances
Lemmy.world blocks piracy servers and instances
Hozier’s Unreal Unearth
Please don’t use Surfshark
I used and loved Pulsar for a while, it was neat and I enjoyed using it, kudos for your work…
Very much this, why is systemd entangling itself in every part of the linux kernel, I ripped that mfer network-manager and installed iwd
I’m on guix-sd and don’t have to suffer systemd
Guix_SD has its own init system, Gnu shepherd
That’s still a thing right?
all the shitty ISP’s in most of the African countries make deals with Meta to steal and sell all your data
My bad, I thought it was American due to the amount of shitty neo-liberalss on the instance. It could as well be
it does, people get saltier and crankier with time
Also, there is Jujutsu which is an alternative frontend to git
Forgejo hosted version is https://codeberg.org/ which is my code forge of choice
Same here and I’m happy with that
i’ve heard that they’re quite hostile to piracy stuff , but it’s also easy to self-host
Iwd is so smooth to use
This is definitely complicated, were you perhaps involved?
same here, eternal september growth be damned
Gnu/Hurd now usable on a thinkpad T60
my first thought exactly, when did Linus became a lefist?
still a windows pleb, so no Zed for me
oh, ok
Fleet I haven’t heard of before
It is Jetbrains newest thing, an all language ide, an answer to VsCodium and Zed I guess, it’s still stuck in beta though
I understand your points about convenience and experience
I won’t touch anything microsoft with a long pole, so no bitwarden
Just use KeePassXc/Dx as you were meant to
Yes, they gave a reason that they’ll be responsible if those communities were left unblocked