• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • What’s weird about this broader “conversation” on masculinity is I feel more masculine than ever

    Same. The more I read stupid quotes from the Tates and Musk’s of the world, the more I feel like I’m doing something right with how I’m living my life, raising my kiddo, and engaging with my community.

    Between that and a wider understanding/acceptance of neurodivergence, I’m feeling pretty comfortable in my own skin for the first time in a long time. And I’m ready to fight for women, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ communities to feel the same way.

  • My theory is related to your #1, but I’m guessing that the military is testing the detection capability of their systems. It would explain why the sightings have been all over the place. They are basically sending them out to fly in various different patterns from different approach vectors (“coming in from the ocean”) to ensure that the radar and likely more sophisticated drone-specific hardware can detect them. It would also account for why there have been such a variety of reports of different sizes and characteristics of the drones (the credible ones, not the people filming airplanes).

    I think the success of drones in the Ukraine conflict has accelerated the concerns of the military and DHS, and they felt the need to accelerate the install/upgrade/test of their defenses.

  • Wer früher stirbt ist länger tod (english title: Grave Decisions) is an absolutely incredible movie. It won a ton of awards, but is relatively unknown in the US.

    Wiki summary. “The film is about an 11-year-old Bavarian boy (Sebastian Schneider) who feels responsible for his mother’s death, who died during his birth, and naively attempts multiple ways to reach immortality (procreation, reincarnation, sanctification, rockstardom) to prevent his tenure in hell.”

    While this description may sound somewhat dark and serious, it is a light-hearted, inspiring movie with great music, visuals, and proper Bayrisch dialect (I have to use German subtitles to understand any of it).

    Side note - if any EU folks here can help a brother out with getting an electronic copy with proper English subtitles, I would be very grateful. I’ve been wanting to show it to all my friends, but only have a German-subtitled version.