Well at least this one speaks out, we should appreciate it while it still happens.
Well at least this one speaks out, we should appreciate it while it still happens.
Thanks, for your summary. I think he’s right about different kinds of guilt being judged in different ways. If someone commits a crime and gets away with it, that doesn’t mean that person will never feel the guilt. It sounds like a good read.
No, by that logic you can’t blame the dealers landlord because they were just trying to make some money.
But not every soldiers’ first priority are justifying their actions. Please note that the title of this post is insinuating that all veterans are to blame, not some or even the majority of them. Also note the title omits the bosses, the people who gave the orders.That is why I replied. We would only disagree if you’d believe the boss isn’t guilty because he didn’t do the execution of his plans.
I’m saying we shouldn’t blame the soldiers on the choices of their leaders, I’m not saying we shouldn’t blame the soldiers for their own choice. I totally agree they could’ve chosen to not to follow orders. I’m not saying they are innocent. But their role is not comparable to the role of the people giving orders.
O i totally agree, this is exactly why i started with ‘this is might get a lot of downvotes’. But the crimes on the pictures where not crimes by individual soldiers. These things were done by individuals who were told to. I’m not saying that makes them innocent, I’m saying they weren’t the most guilty. The most guilty in my opinion are the men who scheme and think up of plans like this, and then order others to execute it.
No that would be saying they didn’t do anything bad because doing what is asked of you is always good.
Where can I get this?
It’s not fair to blame the soldiers and act as if the people who gave the leaders their power are innocent.
Well, you’ve already killed one innocent person, so you can go ahead and kill a million more since you’re already a bad person anyway. Much logic.
This might get a lot of down votes but I want to say I don’t think it’s fair to blame the soldiers in the field for the choices of the decision makers in the office. Those horrible events were unwanted ‘byproducts’ of the goal of men with evil plans, they were not veterans going off-book. In other words, these veterans did what was asked of them. I’m not saying they didn’t do some very bad things, but they aren’t the people that should be ‘thanked’.
I just posted this link on another comment but the content validates me being considered a spammer imho
Eat Beans, Not Beings—10 Reasons to Stock Up on This Superfood https://www.peta2.com/lifestyle/beans/
There is definitely less chickens being killed per gram of protein of egg compared to meat so I don’t want to attack you, but there are a lot of chickens being killed because of how the industry is organised. I googled this for you:
"Typically, layer hens are killed after about a year of laying due to a decrease in their productivity. Because these hens are raised as a group with other birds of the same age, productivity can be evaluated on a group basis and not based on the individual bird. For this reason, even if an individual bird is still producing well they may still be culled simply because their cohort of hens has dropped in productivity.
… there are two different kinds of chickens: those raised for their meat and those raised to produce eggs. In chickens raised for meat, also known as “broiler” chickens, there is no differentiation based on sex, as these chickens are not generally allowed to live long enough to produce eggs. When it comes to birds raised for laying eggs, male chicks are unable to lay eggs, so serve no purpose in the industrial system that has produced them. Male chicks are routinely killed before they can grow to be more than a few days old." (https://www.farmforward.com/issues/animal-welfare/chick-culling/)
If you’d like to take less life’s, consider adding beans to your diet.
Here is another article: Eat Beans, Not Beings—10 Reasons to Stock Up on This Superfood https://www.peta2.com/lifestyle/beans/
Extra context from the second paragraph: “President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the working class was delivered in the form of an executive order late Thursday that seeks to strip the collective bargaining rights from hundreds of thousands of federal government workers, a move that labor rights advocates said is not only unlawful but once again exposes Trump’s deep antagonism toward working people and their families.”
Well better than Venu Mousse 😂 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sFv97ICWP0A
I’m not saying don’t blame the hijackers, I’m saying blame the hijackers for the hijacking (which in turn killed thousands) and blame Bin Laden for planning it and getting those hijackers to do the hijacking. They’re both guilty, but without Bin Laden ordering 9/11 those hijackers wouldn’t have done it. I’m not saying they wouldn’t have something else bad. I’m not saying they’re innocent. But Bin Laden did something worse than those individual hijackers.