I’m not trying to be a jerk here, but what’s an example of a warm blue? I can’t imagine it.
I’m not trying to be a jerk here, but what’s an example of a warm blue? I can’t imagine it.
Turnabout is fair play. Remember when trump coughed on him in the 2020 debates?
Ignored HIV, gutted school funding, illegally sold arms to Iran to fund the Sandinistas, fired 11k air traffic controllers, started the culture wars…
There’s much more, but that’s a start
Like, polite? Maybe. He was certainly not kind.
A reverend, a catholic, a bearded man, and a demon
Sometimes it’s just luck. I smoke weed and refuse to sleep normally and I still get carded for energy drinks (16+) at 33
No kids though… I don’t know how anyone can look young with kids.
Nobody in that family would ever go near water again
What about the can of glue?
You have to cherry pick to post a meme like this
I used to work at an insurance company, and all of our workers compensation stuff was called Milwaukee coverage because it used to only be required in Wisconsin
He used to be different politically, because that was cool. Now he has enough money that people will tell him he’s cool no matter what his politics are, so he now supports the causes that benefit him. I don’t think he’s ever going back.
It’s the only one* I talk about in public.
There’s also an erotic squid/castle fic that’s absolutely hilarious
I just read the fanfic. Though I absolutely don’t talk about it in public because the stuff I like is basically all pornographic. I definitely know all the trivia, but I don’t support jk Rowling financially (anymore, I did purchase the original series as it came out, but I haven’t otherwise paid for anything Harry Potter).
I just like the world and the fanfic possibilities of Draco Malfoy.
I think they were responding to the “neither goes anywhere” part, not the support part
I read even the really weird books, and none of them were as bad as the movie. They make Petra into a love interest. They also really downplay how hard ender can be, so, you know, entirely removing the purpose of the story.
Winzig-weich took way too long for the payoff, but generally I chuckle a little. I do absolutely worry that I’m internalizing bad English linguistic interference though
I’ve thought that before about Marco Rubio
I’m a native English speaker with very good German married to a native German speaker and every few weeks I come across something that I just don’t get. My husband has now developed a Pavlovian response to me saying “so you remember Zangendeutsch?”
Downvotes don’t do anything though. On reddit, it could remove your ability to post, but on here it at absolute worst prejudices the reader
That warm blue does look cozy, in that it looks like the color that your dad’s old too-short shorts were in the 70s.