If you can post this everywhere, and end up getting Trump to see it, you might be able to drive a wedge between Trump and Elon… sooner than would otherwise happen.
Every place a commune to be unleashed!
Padding the comment-to-post ratios since before choppo chæt was a thing.
If you can post this everywhere, and end up getting Trump to see it, you might be able to drive a wedge between Trump and Elon… sooner than would otherwise happen.
The lint filter that they recommend cleaning after each use, or a different filter?
Good question.
If the one party is founded and sustained by people who are sworn enemies of said corporate interests, there ensues an existential power struggle between the party and the corporations (foreign, domestic, or most often both), that typically ends up reaching beyond the borders of the country in question.
If the one party quickly becomes captured by foreign interests, chances are the party was founded with that intention.
Apply this lens to the last 107-119 years of history, and most of it will become much clearer.
So who watches the watchers? In a way we all do. But instead of this being a mere idealistic aphorism, there are mechanisms in place to ensure it. We enculturate people to value equality and not valorize themselves above others, we minimize the potential benefits of corruption and keep the punishments consistent, we ensure that the watcher is not a lifelong position, we ensure that watchers do not become a separate class, we subject the watchers to oversight and approval of those who are watched, and we set up the processes so that they only function when people are working together.
This is so much more extensive than the asymmetric and byzantine setup that passes for “checks and balances” in liberal democracies. Is it still possible for things to go awry as a few bad actors try to bend the framework to favor themselves? Yes, absolutely. And that is a challenge to the people setting up the framework, to keep the wrong people out initially and to make it strong enough that it can keep its integrity once the founders are gone.
Employers hiring for 40 hours a week (empty line)
Employers hiring for 35.9 hours a week (crowded queue)
This is only a few paragraphs in; on a larger screen you don’t even have to scroll.
This industrial revolution was precipitated by the discovery of the steam engine, various spinning machines, the mechanical loom, and a whole series of other mechanical devices.
What is so objectionable about that, or so hard about copying it?
Being required to read something for less than 60 seconds isn’t a violation of your rights- in fact, this is less than 1% of the time a EULA or ToS takes. It also takes less time and bandwidth than many of the AI-training Captchas nowadays.
If you have a problem with reading 30 seconds of something you have a feeling you might disagree with, the real problem is you not being willing to peek outside your bubble.
Absolutely haunting.
Super unrealistic; they don’t make phones that wide anymore.
No word on this from the “Western workers = labor aristocrats” crowd.
I’m not sure that fitting Earthlike habitats in giant spaceships would make sense without limitless exponential growth. Wouldn’t it be more feasible to put something on the surface of a planet?
No matter how advanced our technology gets, we are not going to get around the basic constraints on energy.
you really can’t make this sort of assumption
That was the original point about gendered language but you seem to have flipped it on its head.
As soon as I realized that it was similar to the Costa Rican flag but with 1 inversion, and switching the vowels of the latter out yielded “Cis”, I had to make the pun.
If it’s an ambiguous name you might have to check. Fortunately, Edie is an unambiguously female name, and the clear majority of binary trans people pick clearly gender-coded names.
What did you think it was… the flag of Cista Roca?
I am tickled by this and fully support your TIL process.
Source: The clouds.
In the past 2 decades vinyl ones have become a lot more common. I don’t know if there’s any difference in strength, but being hypoallergenic gives them a broader market.
“If you care about the planet, be sure to cut down on this product that contributes 0.01% of all plastic waste”
You’re thinking of bigotry. White people don’t experience systematically unfavorable outcomes from the perception of their skin color.
The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.
The orthodox version of the meme literally has a tree as a focal point.
Never had that problem, maybe because I have the thigh-gap body type.
If you interact with a website through an app, you are ceding both functionality and power. Angry Birds is an app, Signal is an app, Reddit and Lemmy are websites with URLs and you are duplicating the function of a browser if you use anything else.
I’d heard of Lemmy (and Raddle) since the late 2010s, and put them in the “things I’d like to pivot to at some point” category. The main subreddit that I posted on (a transgressive mix of edgy, caring, partisan, and weird) was quarantined and then finally banned in 2020. As a result I quit using reddit altogether, but after a few months I poked around and realized people from that sub had started a forked instance of Lemmy as a refuge.
The one thing that’s lackluster is the search function. Everything else is superior.