There you go. Formated the comment, for your eyes only.
There you go. Formated the comment, for your eyes only.
Ah the name tag Yeah I like exotic fonts
Is under partner apps
You can only upload from the pwa
Partner app photosync syncs with “import” folder which is a webdav endpoint photoprism exposes
I use foldersync for sync
Both great projects I would also put librephotos to the equation with its feature rich unofficial android client Uhuru photos
All have great android apps and great Dev base
Have tried all three and also tried every other selfhosted image gallery
Photoprim is overall the most mature and complete in features
Yes it requires a third party app to sync your assets but the auto index feature if you sync to their webdav endpoint is killer. This means the proccess from the moment of taking a picture till it shows up in your photoprism gallery is “instant”
Also the unofficial android client is super great and almost android TV compatible
To be honest there is not a fair answer You really have to hey them all
CPU wise: Monitor load average as you load services. If it stays below the number of cores you are fine. That being said nuc 10 has a 6 core cpu Its more than OK for a barebones. For reference I’m running smooth on a raspberry400 4 GB RAM.
nginx webdav
Brave go-aync
Mozilla sync
Joplin webview
Just fine
So you’ll be fine
There is an app activelly maintained unofficial android client and its great https://github.com/Radiokot/photoprism-android-client
If you strip down monitoring, all you need is a notification if something goes down
I use monocker it monitors status changes on containers and sends a notification when one happens
Thats all
Photoprism librephotos
Both have excelent android clients
Photoprism can do random slideshow in the library/browse?order=random endpoint
Thanks for pointing this out
Truth is only the domain you use to access mosquitto is needed in S.A.N.
localhost is a leftover from the countless trial and errors
Edited the post
also added source guides
Keep up
It all comes down to which webserver you want to use actually
Base official image and linuxserver.Io comes with Apache
With fpm you can choose
With nginx
With caddy
I oersonaly run fpm with caddy
Remember to create your admin account on first run and then add your trusted domain
allowed domains
docker exec --user www-data container_id php occ config:system:set trusted_domains 2 --value=your_domain_name_here
Mosquitto offers mutual tls client certificates authentication
I like this hardened approach
Fan fact : I was able to setup mtls with android-mosquitto
It is the ot-recorder that cant “talk” tls with mosquitto
Yeah. Thats a classic.
There are smaller repos I found more helpfull, like https://github.com/tborychowski/self-hosted-cookbook which provides minimal compose recipes for spinning up your containers and test the services.
Also https://noted.lol is one of my favorites