It looks Al Capone over 2 years to indict Al Capone and he had 22 indictments. Trump had 93 and across multiple states. Trump took about 3 years to bring his first indictment. So it’s not far off from previous indictments.
It looks Al Capone over 2 years to indict Al Capone and he had 22 indictments. Trump had 93 and across multiple states. Trump took about 3 years to bring his first indictment. So it’s not far off from previous indictments.
Ya, 2020 was the election. That was BEFORE January 6th. Until Trump is in jail, we will continue to have this threat. So far there are 93 indictments. We just need him in jail and then we can breathe slightly easier.
He recently came out and said she would NEVER be his VP. After that she figured why tip toe around the orange elephant.
If Trump wins there won’t be a 2028, homie.
For those who want to read more about it, I did the work and found the article.
A woman in eastern China had the shock of her life when she found out that her son was marrying her long-lost daughter. The reunion occurred right at the would-be spouses’ wedding in Suzhou, Jiangsu province on March 31, according to Sohu News. The shocking discovery was made after the woman noticed a birthmark on the bride’s hand, which looked strikingly similar to that of her long-lost child. Determined to uncover the truth, the woman mustered the courage to ask the bride’s parents whether she was adopted. After explaining her story and the identical birthmark, the bride’s parents eventually confirmed that their child had been adopted. Details were quickly ironed out and the bride confirmed that she was, indeed, the woman’s long-lost biological daughter. It turns out she went missing as a child and was picked up by her adoptive parents on the roadside some 20 years ago. The wedding could have been called off at this point, but the woman also revealed that her son — her now-daughter’s groom — was also adopted. The wedding proceeded as planned, but the shocking twist is one detour their guests will never forget. In photos that went viral on Chinese social media, the bride can be seen breaking down and hugging her long-lost mother tightly. It’s unknown how exactly the daughter went missing, but some are raising the possibility of human traffickers being the culprit. It’s also unclear whether the woman’s adopted son — now her son-in-law — will be searching for his own parents.
Do your best to avoid mrdeepfakes. Don’t use a Oculus quest for these immersive videos either.
No offense taken. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
Romney might have brought Romneycare(universal healthcare). We might not have a shit senate that was hell bent on stopping every justice Obama tried to appoint. We might still have RvsW. We might not have Trump.
These are all mights. Who cares. Just vote in 2024.
All these “Sporty” cars bros do this. Just entitled bitches that want to hurt people.
I’m not sure about you, but I used to be a registered Republican. Though my views were more centralist.
I’m not quite sure when my centralist Republican views became extremely far left when my stance hasn’t changed since the day I was able to vote.
The first time I voted Democrat was Obama. What he did in the office is closer to a centrist Republican.
Right now I would kill to get another McCain or even a Romney.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this but I feel like sharing
But when she loses the nomination, will you hold your nose and vote for Trump?
After Trump said she won’t be his VP, all gloves are off. She is now fighting slightly more aggressively. Good for her. She should have done it from the start. I mean, she won’t win and will take votes from Trump. So I’m rooting for her so Biden will have a higher chance of winning.
I guess bamboo does not have exclusive to lidar printing now. It’s significantly cheaper than bamboo.
My MakerBot x2 has an enclosure but it only prints ABS. But leveling prints is so annoying.
Too bad I have to make a trip out there to buy it haha. Thanks for the info.
What did you end up paying?
Outside of price, what features are you getting(or not getting)with this?
I am considering a bamboo 5o replace my artillery X1 and MakerBot x2. I love both my printers, but I’m sick of being a 3D printing engineer and just want to print something out I created.
Just installed Mint to try it out because it looks similar to Windows. Don’t judge me.
I mean, it’s mostly made of glucose (sugars).
If anyone cares about this hero, click here to read about what he did. https://heavy.com/news/charles-littlejohn/
Even lesser ass.
Charles “Chaz” Littlejohn, 33, is originally from St. Louis and has lived on and off in the District over the past decade. The small-business owner and consultant describes himself as “sentimental” and digs Sour Patch Kids, Kanye West (before he said slavery was a “choice”) and live music. He is looking for a confident, flirty gal who knows what she wants. He told me that lately he has met dates at concerts, at house parties or through friends. “I’m biased against apps,” he said, because they seem “like an experience that will jade you. Everything is sort of measured, a little dystopian.” He quickly added, “But I’m gonna probably try it out eventually.” We set him up with Houston native Kerrie Ford, a 26-year-old contractor in nuclear and government affairs. This “excitable” gal likes Houston sports teams and George W. Bush’s cheeks and is seeking a spontaneous dude who isn’t afraid to challenge her. “I can be a little bossy sometimes,” she said. “I like having a guy who is confident and pushes back.” Unlike Chaz, Kerrie has tried dating apps. She’s also been on several “accidental dates.” “I’m bad at picking up cues. When a guy friend asks me if I want to go to dinner, I think of it as friends. I wouldn’t have said yes if I knew it was a date,” she said.
The duo met at Espita Mezcaleria, a restaurant featuring authentic Oaxacan cuisine in Shaw. Over appetizers of ceviche, guacamole and queso, they sized each other up. Kerrie said: “He was a good-looking guy. He had a nice smile.” Chaz thought she was “pretty,” but … “I tend to like more alternative or nerdy types of girls,” he explained, while Kerrie was “more conventionally attractive.” Still, he said, “I wanted to find out more about her before making judgments.” They tried the mezcal sampler, and Chaz said he found Kerrie to be “a great person to talk to. She had interesting questions and a positive outlook.” Kerrie liked that he made eye contact. (“Lack of eye contact during conversation” is a pet peeve of hers.) Only, Chaz has “a really penetrating stare,” she said. “At some point I felt a little bit violated. Like, ‘You’re looking into my soul — stop!’ ” Perhaps Chaz was staring at her so intently because he was trying to solve what he calls “the mystery of why we were paired.” Over dinner (adobo pork tacos for her, pork loin for him), they covered the standard information on families and hometowns, then they got down to interests. Chaz said: “She asked me what kind of music I like, and I said, ‘I like electronic, I like rap, I like pop. How about you?’ She said she really just likes music from 20 years ago.” Chaz, an avid concertgoer, was disappointed: “I thought it was peculiar that I got set up with someone who didn’t really care for music.” It didn’t get any better from there. Kerrie told me that Chaz said he loved living in Washington because he felt he could talk to everyone about politics. “And I was like, ‘Actually I hate talking about politics.’ ”
Share this article Share Kerrie described Chaz as “nerdier than guys that I tend to go out with.” She explained: “When he filled out the Date Lab form, he put it into a Google doc and had his friends proofread it for him. Whereas, I said to myself, ‘This looks kind of fun! Screw it!’ and filled it out in 15 minutes.” (Fun fact: Word count on her profile was 881; his was 1,582.) Though she found his effort “endearing,” she said it lacked spontaneity and was “a little calculating.” The fact that Kerrie played soccer in college and spends her weekends playing soccer didn’t help. “I walked off the soccer field crying when I was 5 years old and I never looked back,” Chaz told me. “I don’t tend to abide by the idea that opposites attract.” They found one thing they agreed on, though, which was that dying in a plane crash would be a “pretty sweet” way to go. He explained: “She was telling me about her friend who is afraid of flying, and Kerrie said, ‘Well, on the off chance the plane does crash, it’s a hell of a way to go!’ And I said, ‘Yes, exactly! At least you’ll be in the paper.’ ” They ended the night with churros and agreed that they were not compatible. On the bright side, at least they got in the paper. Rate the date Chaz: 4 [out of 5]. “It was an enjoyable date … but not a match.” Kerrie: 3.5. “Nice guy, easy to talk to, just not someone I’m interested in dating.”
Please tell the world about how awesome communist rule is while in a free democracy. Please let those starving people in those concentration camps in China know how good they have it.
Please go on. Enlightened us.
Lasagna pizza
Does Beat Saber count?!?!