please don’t give them ideas
please don’t give them ideas
id actually love to see the breakdown of channels with content by subscriber count/youtube partnership status. I suspect a very large percentage will be non monetised. speaking from experience it either takes a shitload of work to get the ability to earn literally a few dollars or you somehow get lucky with a “viral” hit. even people in my niche the “big ones” make maybe a couple hundred bucks a year in ad revenue
Ah Fear-Laden, Osama’s shitty redneck cousin
andre antunes got it to write a song in the style of muse and he added the music. it was half decent
its really not that nuts though, unless you make assumptions about people’s houses being too big or soundproofed or whatever. never had them, never needed them for 3 kids
nope, just tested over 3 months, account flagged in about 12 hours
yeah banned again, took about 12 hours. lovely aggressive message about my ‘multiple, repeated violations’. VPN sounds better idea, tried it once but was also banned again quick, someone suggested the IP might have previously been used for similar things
that’s what I expect as well. will see how long it takes
sweet. new test account on old reddit good so far, I’m expecting to wake up to it banned. will see. no VPN
sweet. well ill give it a shot for education and see how long it lasts. when i was permabanned my old alts also got banned within a few days (even though i hadnt used them in months)
Isn’t it trivial anyway, since you can still create unlimited anonymous accounts via old.reddit?
wait, you can do that? does it check IP?
yep, and yet somehow reddit never does anything about the report abuse for the ‘self help’ thing which id get dozens of PM’s a day about at one point, reported them and nothing was ever done about it
“Please familiarise yourself with reddits content policy… which doesnt matter because your banned for life anyway”
true but this is an admin ban (sitewide). they are still arsehols
I just can’t get behind (heh) OF personally. evey video I’ve ever seen has just looked like a tiktok/insta “influencer” having sex and it is just a massive turnoff for me. the lighting is just so off all the time. looks more produced than actual produced stuff. just doesn’t do it for me
I didn have this once, 2 planets with identical mines, even had the same dead bodies in the same spots
what I find more wild is as usual the toxic gaming community can’t handle opinions. I like the game, I don’t care if others don’t, but acting like I don’t have “standards” cause you don’t like it is rediculous. Likewise, I got bored so fast of baulders gate 3 but apparently it’s the second coming of christ and I must be wrong. No, I get why people love it, it just wasn’t my jam. Starfield is
agree, the core mechanics of the game I think are fine, the only real criticism I have is some of the visuals don’t look their place in 2023, mods will help here. I’ve always enjoyed the Bethesda RPG playstyle so the game just feels good to me, I’ll admit I expected spaceflight to be more than it is, but I am also ok with it
I’m 60 hours in and barely touched it lol. I’m finding the side quests much more engaging
Thank you