Thanks for the rec! I’ll give it a listen.
Thanks for the rec! I’ll give it a listen.
He’s alienated the young people who could make up for his own lack of charisma with youthful energy, and he can’t even campaign properly because he gets protested every time he shows his face. He’s toast.
I certainly hope you’re right.
No worries! I get the frustration.
I think things could change pretty quickly if a ceasefire is reached, and reached before another 35,000 people die. If this is still going on when the fall semester begins, it’s going to be ugly.
That’s probably why Biden is at 7% to Trump’s 2%.
Except you’re comparing apples to oranges. The October poll was national while the most recent poll was just done in battleground states.
I imagine watching your extended family suffer under an artificial famine while dodging bombs and shells raises your tolerance for discomfort while punishing those responsible.
59% in 2020 to 25% in 2024 is a decrease of 34% for Biden.
Are you puzzled by these numbers? Are you asking, “How could they think letting Trump win is going to make anything better?” Well, if you genuinely want to understand, read this reporting by Slate.
Here are some highlights:
I heard a similar sentiment from another patron, Fares, a Palestinian man who became a U.S. citizen 20 years ago, and voted for Biden in 2020. “I feel like, whether Republicans or Democrats, it’s all the same,” he said. “I don’t think I’m going to vote for any because it doesn’t matter.” It’s a major shift for him. He was born in Syria to parents exiled in 1948 from what is now Haifa. He told me he hadn’t missed a presidential election before, but now he doesn’t see a point. “If 12,000 dead kids don’t change their hearts, you think you or I will?”
In a conversation at Qahwah House, Elabed seemed tired. It had become obvious to her she could no longer support Biden, and she didn’t see why that was so hard to understand. “It is hard for me to reconcile my core beliefs and morals to support a president that dehumanizes my people,” Elabed said. “This is a president that I met in person. That knows my sister. That met my mom, who wore a traditional Palestinian thobe at the White House.”
I posed the obvious question, asking if she thought Trump would be better. “What’s worse than genocide?” she retorted. “Maybe if the Democrats lose this election, they’ll learn their lesson. I’m happy to take several steps back if that’s what it takes to take a step forward.” When I argued, I got thousand-yard stares.
A poll published at the end of October 2023 found “only 17% of Arab American voters saying they will vote for Biden in 2024—a staggering drop from 59% in 2020.”
Then a couple weeks ago a NYT poll “found Trump leading among registered Middle Eastern, North African or Muslim voters in the swing states, with 57 percent saying they were planning to back him in November. Only 25 percent said they were supporting Biden.”
My on the ground reporting beats your nothing. But here’s some data for you. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Truth Project asked 36,139 Arab Americans and “allied voters” “Who are you voting for in November?” 2,196 people responded. Here are the results:
2% Trump
7% Biden
25% Jill Stein
20% Cornell West
19% Undecided
23% Uncommitted
3% Stay home
A poll published at the end of October 2023 found “only 17% of Arab American voters saying they will vote for Biden in 2024—a staggering drop from 59% in 2020.”
Then a couple weeks ago a NYT poll “found Trump leading among registered Middle Eastern, North African or Muslim voters in the swing states, with 57 percent saying they were planning to back him in November. Only 25 percent said they were supporting Biden.”
Ah, but I do:
(a)In general
No assistance shall be furnished under this chapter or the Arms Export Control Act [22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.] to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights.
And now you do, too.
And lots of people join, get messed up, and then are denied proper healthcare by the underfunded VA system.
But even if the military was great for the people enlisting, it wouldn’t change the fact that they are joining one of the most rapacious, lawless, and brutal militaries in the world.
In most cases there is no free exercise whatever of the judgment or of the moral sense; but they put themselves on a level with wood and earth and stones; and wooden men can perhaps be manufactured that will serve the purpose as well. Such command no more respect than men of straw or a lump of dirt. [wikipedia]
There’s no honor in being a boot for the empire
If you vote like the Arabic community, you’re throwing them under the bus?
“If it came down to Trump and Joe Biden, I will vote for Trump. Because it doesn’t get worse than Joe Biden,” a man named Salah told me. His friend, Amad, added, “Biden was supposed to be the peacemaker. The comfort-maker. Instead, he became accessory to the biggest genocide in modern history.”
“Imagine thinking it’s a good argument to say to a community that has lost 30,000 people, ‘Watch out for the guy that’s going to ban you.’ You’re really asking me whether I’m going to take a ban or a genocide? I’ll take a ban,” Zahr told me.
“I mean, we’ve literally seen our families and our people being thrown into mass graves. Babies blown to bits. It’s not some far-off thing to us,” he said. “It’s been a struggle to declare our own humanity while mourning for our people being massacred.”
The truth is Ahmed was one of the only Arabs I could find in Dearborn who openly admitted they actually planned to vote for Biden in November.
Please stop acting like the US isn’t the 500 lb gorilla in international politics
or ovaries or even a pulse at this point
US law is not to give weapons to countries that are using them to violate human rights.
The main takeaway is that Google uses Chrome to collect data on what search results people click on and how long they spend on those pages. They then use that data to rank search results.