People add extensions and then forget about them immediately, those are the true whales for these companies
People add extensions and then forget about them immediately, those are the true whales for these companies
Finally made the switch to Firefox just 2 days ago. Great so far.
There will absolutely still be a customer that takes a balloon from behind the sign and asks for it to be filled up in the store.
One word: VOTE
There has been no consequences to his actions so of course he is going to do whatever he wants.
This shit pisses me off the most. Happens all the time and I absolutely hate it. How do we still not have legislation around this? (Because: Money)
Because money.
It has been over a decade since they shut down MegaUpload and raided his house in NZ.
It is more of a cult then a political candidate.
I’m sure this will have 0 downsides and will go great! /s
Dude is just a genuinely weird guy. I’m not even trying to lean into the weird thing, he just is.
Nope I have not. I don’t have kids. I have heard your comment said by many other teachers around too. I don’t understand how it got to be like this. If people really don’t want the responsibility, time, money, emotional and physical investments of raising kids, they shouldn’t be having them.
It’s not even a game that would be a good movie, I see people that do makeup to imitate the Borderlands style all the time, why not do that? $8.8m opening weekend on a $115m budget sounds about right. Put little effort in, get bad results back.
I don’t quite understand why this is still a thing? Back when I was in school in the late 2000s, phones were banned. Couldn’t even bring it out even if you were going to use it as a calculator. Immediate 3 hour detection if you were seen with one. I got one for calling my mother to pick me up because I needed to go to the doctor.
I don’t understand how between now and then, the rules seemed to lax.
If you are male and afraid of tampons/pads, you are clearly in the wrong
Since they killed RIF, in the shittest way possible, my usage went down significantly. I still miss RIF
I used Reddit for 12 years, which granted, isn’t as long as some others, but it is really sad to see what it has become after all these years. It helped a lot back in the day, but now it is time to let it go.
I’ve run into this already multiple times. It’s why I finally made the jump over here. I don’t use new Reddit and won’t. The enshitifcation of Reddit has really ramped up.
Surprise Pikachu