Idk , I tried to replace the apps I use with open source ones , except bank and grocery apps , but if mods like youtube vanced count for yt premium and music then yes !
Queer and here
Idk , I tried to replace the apps I use with open source ones , except bank and grocery apps , but if mods like youtube vanced count for yt premium and music then yes !
Similar happened with me when some people were justifying beating ones wife as moral and right of the husband !
Not exactly a twitter user , what is tweetdeck?
Funnily enough this post appeared in my feed 😅
So is adblock like totally dead on chrome ?
Well they developed their own OS based on ubuntu , I believe they want to be as secure as they can be ?
Well yes but many schools teach sanskrit and its a dead language?
Well most indian languages are not even mutually intelligible so idk if its about identity politics or what not !
Many indians speak 4+ languages easily , and we dont even notice that 😅
What are the few fringes here ?
Ngl thats mostly what happens IRL
I take 3 mg and melatonin actually induces nightmare !
My regular brand sells melatonin in pink so idk !!
Ngl this was me in my german class all the time !
Nah i am good without ads , and would spend my dollars elsewhere!
I think it will integrate with the existing fediverse
I am also mostly pirating the movie content etc so if that counts too !