Organization starts with getting a message out and gaining support. This is a start, and I’ll hope for the follow through since options are running short.
Organization starts with getting a message out and gaining support. This is a start, and I’ll hope for the follow through since options are running short.
If Harris wins, expect Democrats to move right
I don’t know if all states have it, but Virginia does have vote history on their voter registration page. It doesn’t show what your vote was, but does show that it was received and counted.
There is no horse neck on a centaur though, so not sure why there would be on a giraffetaur. Since they are all imaginary creatures, I suppose anything you want is the right answer.
Agreed. The human part of a centaur doesn’t have any horse features, so why would a giraffe centaur? It would just be a giraffe body with a person torso attached.
It does. It’s even cited in the abstract, and it’s the origin of bullshit as referenced in their title.
If it was a real requirement they should have geo restricted the sale to countries that are allowed to make PSN accounts. Instead they bait and switched players who have been playing past the normal refund window, and now will have an unplayable game. Also the PSN account has nothing to do with fixing crossplay. Other games have functional crossplay without it. And Sony themselves say on their own website that PSN is not required to play Sony games on PC.
The Overton window in the US it’s absurdly far right. So not actively working toward fascism is the left.
Haha I certainly don’t, but I’m less concerned about a small child or a careless adult killing someone with my keys. So I don’t treat them the same way I treat a tool whose sole purpose is violence.
I’ve carried a firearm for both the military and personally. And even with ADHD do you want to know how many times I left it unattended on accident? Zero times. If you treat a gun like your keys or wallet then you shouldn’t be carrying it.
And you propose I do what exactly? They are dead set on ignoring reality and substituting their supremacist fantasy. Any program that is aimed at uplifting people is deemed communist and assaulted by the very people it’s aimed at helping. Any influx of people and capital that could replace all the lost industry is viewed as an invasion of “elites” or whatever enemy of the day is.
They are ruled by fear and hate of everything that outside of their safe propaganda bubble. They cannot be helped until they are willing to do a bit of introspection, and decide they are open to listening and learning. I will not feel sorry for the people who would happily destroy the world around them just because it doesn’t align with what they want it to be.
I grew up with this. I know these people. I got away from it, and I am happy to never go back.
Of course I’m aware. What I’m saying is that it’s stupid to give rural white Americans a pass for being shitty and racist just because life hard.
They want to blame everyone else for the problems and double down on a party of grifters and con men, because that is more appealing than admitting they have been wrong. That the propaganda they have been fed their whole lives is a pile of garbage they have been happily eating.
They would rather continue swimming in shit as long as they are told that they are better than everyone else, which is what the right has been telling them for decades.
A huge portion of the country has been let down by the government. You don’t have to be rural for that. Lack of healthcare, education, and support are nationwide. Not everyone decided to be racist because of it.
Did you miss the tired and overworked comment? Feeling exhausted and burned out doesn’t inspire most people to spend a large amount of time and effort learning something new.
The movie was bad, the book was much better. Less action hero, and more just taking history and slipping vampires into it in a reasonably believable way.
The founder of Home Depot was definitely involved in some garbage. If the Lowe’s CEO was, I missed it.
Would be a shame if GTA 6 got deleted…
Using obscene amounts of violence to protect freedom and democracy across the galaxy.
The DoJ isn’t in the judicial branch. The courts are the judicial branch. DoJ is in the executive branch because it is supposed to carry out and enforce the laws.
All of the major media and communication platforms are owned by the oligarchs that have already kissed the ring. So you either target a much smaller number of people, or you use less than ideal means to communicate with the masses.
I do think that people in her position need to start advocating for a movement away from traditional social media, and towards things like the fediverse. Who even knows if she is aware of the alternatives. They aren’t well known.