Not a conspiracy, just headcanon. - The Storyteller is unstuck in time, just like Billy Pilgrim, so he or she jumps from era to era, sometime even between universes, like in techno-male.
Some schmoe on the Internet.
Personal site at:
Activitypub account at:
https://shitposter.world/users/kakafarm/ (previously https://emacs.ch/@kakafarm†)
Not a conspiracy, just headcanon. - The Storyteller is unstuck in time, just like Billy Pilgrim, so he or she jumps from era to era, sometime even between universes, like in techno-male.
The definition of “maltheism” in a comics panel form.
Pratchett has a funny line like:
In a lightning storm, on a high naked hill, wearing wet copper, shouting “ALL GODS ARE BASTARDS!!!”
And I have to say that the Fosschild disillusionment hurts. I see myself in that character.
Sigh… #stallmanwasright.
“Bullshitting” is a real cognitive science term, and the title of this comics page came from here, sorta:
More realistic than most.
Because it is the unix_surrealism place.
All of these are dumb:
Oh, right! And talking or singing swords pop up every now and then in legends.
Just realised how absurd it is that it says “FISH FOOD”.
Whether they’re instant knowledge potions, reading ability potions, or deadly poison, I want to drink a sixpack of those.
One has to wonder - is the socket waterproof?
Sigh. Weltschmerz got to Fosschild. Used to be a chipper:
I have to recommend a certain Star Trek: The Next Generation episode analysis by Ross Scott of Accursed Farms.
It analyses Symbiosis, a sorta forgettable (on first inspection) humanoid-culture-of-the-week episode. Ross Scott has a knack for looking at fantastic things with a pair of very realistic and practical eyes that I find very amusing. It was made during the first months of our SARS-CoV-2 apocalypse, so keep that in mind (see spoiler).
It was a time when “supply chain disruption” was a very hot buzzword, and is the main point and the punchline of this video.
Ptoo at Discord, but hail Discordia!
Regurgitating olde sf/f / esoteric tropes for a parallel world digitaleverywhere.
Maybe some of it is also true in analognowhere.
The points:
I have a bunch of quips running around in my brain:
By the way, did you know that your cars now, or in the near future, have a remote killswitch?