I think there’s a shortcut, like if you press alt or ctrl while right clicking, you bypass the block. But im not 100% sure
I think there’s a shortcut, like if you press alt or ctrl while right clicking, you bypass the block. But im not 100% sure
I try and use the right click>inspect, and just delete stuff and see what happens
So you have a kind of conductive “pen” on the plotter and run a voltage across it?
How did you use the printout to anodize with?
I don’t have dyslexia. But I did only learn how to read and write in 5th grade.
I’m a mechanical engineer, and I often have to do a double thumbs up with my hands like b_d. It’s the only way I can remember what comes first in the alphabet. In danish you spell boat båd, and if you mess up the order the b and d will be on the outside of the boat and drown, like dåb. Still works 20 years later
Please don’t make me feel bad for cartoon mouse the day before Christmas 🥺
Right Next To The Right One by Tim Christensen. It’s a nice mellow song
I’m always amazed at how efficient us humans are at making me feel sorry for a cartoon robot!
Gotta say, this comic sure is above my level of understanding, but thanks for breaking it down for me.
Also that single high detail pane reminds me of SpongeBob square pants, I like it
I must admit, I have no clue what’s going on here. I do like how the comic look tho
I literally save a copy of digital content I “buy”, cause “buying” obviously means “you can have the product for a bit, if we feel like it”
Are you talking about streams and rivers, and not ground water wells?
I feel so awful some people have to choose. This dude just didn’t wanna go. We go socialized health care here rho
Ah yes. Many years ago before I was born, the guy who my was married to came home and complained about a bit of a painfull back. My mom made him drive to the hospital where he told them what hat happend. They told him to stand completely still and put a neck brace on him and made him sit in a wheelchair where he passed out. When he woke up half his body (left side I think) wa paralyzed.
It turns out he had fall off the roof of a barn and landed flat on his back on the fully extended ladder, breaking his back, and passed out and had lost his memory until he saw his work wan, with his name on it. He had then driven himself back home, before my mom insisted that he needed to go to the hospital, “just to have him checked out”.
He still suffers daily from it, but he somehow managed to get full functionally of his body back, but never was able to work full time in trade work.
Long story short, Go. To. The. Hospital!
Please, can y’all explain this meme to me?
That site doesn’t seem to have a function for denying cookies
I wonder what the resonance frequency of a frozen tuna is now
Damn if I don’t wanna bury my face in there^^