It doesn’t, it isn’t, and it works so well because of that.
I’ve finished the season now, and I think it was a really great adaptation. Just the right amounts of fan service and hoakey camp, just like the games are to their predecessors.
It doesn’t, it isn’t, and it works so well because of that.
I’ve finished the season now, and I think it was a really great adaptation. Just the right amounts of fan service and hoakey camp, just like the games are to their predecessors.
Also Canadian, and if we can do this I’ve been missing the fuck out for decades.
I wonder if this will be possible a feature on GrapheneOS, or similarly precluded like Google Wallet.
I’d buy tickets for that!
You mean The Professor Paul Stamets, who wears a big hat that is one big mushroom? The one with a species of mushroom named after him? The one with honorifics in warp speed pop culture, and those who feed lemmings memes?
Cuz he’s a cool dude.
I may have to give it a go. I am similarly adverse to mucking with xorg confs.
I am very interested in doing this, with xorg or Wayland, and an 7900xt.
Seconding the GrapheneOS recommendation. This is the privacy respecting route to take.
Yunhost has always been my go-to.
That book is a not-so-covert manifesto, I swear.
In the book, I noticed upon re-reading – it was always the biggest polluters (usually, the richest of the rich) that had unfortunate drone-strikes while flying.
Not the electric planes. No commuter planes. Straight up 1%-er targets.
B admits to it later on in the book, when they hint B might be Mother.
You don’t disagree, but you are spending a lot of breath and effort to indicate otherwise.
Oof. Painful truf.
My favorite things!
Jessica rightfully owns top place on the list.
Holy fucking bonkers when you put it that way. Like holy fuck.
Are they that close to something amazing, or is Altman going true Dr Evil megalomaniac?
Mods are from Mars, Lemmings are from Limus.
I have screenshotted and quoted you to a half dozen people now. Well said.
A professional lapse, as it were.