This is why humans will never solve big problems like climate change. We can’t see past our own nose and it’s fucking embarrassing.
This is why humans will never solve big problems like climate change. We can’t see past our own nose and it’s fucking embarrassing.
What timeline you living in?
We can’t afford it? Then we go extinct. What is the higher price? Anyway, it’s probably out of our hands by now. Like I mentioned, nature will probably choose for us, and she always takes the path of least resistance.
It’s definitely better than nothing, I’ll agree, but also underwhelming from where we need to be because it makes such little difference. Most greenhouse gasses come from factory farming and the activities of corporations. We should still make these baby steps in green technology even if it’s too late to change our fate, because the science of it is or could be valuable for an easier, more comfortable, or slower extinction process - as morbid as that sounds.
Theoretically, it could make aviation almost carbon neutral due to inherent inefficiencies, but what good will that do? We need to be heavily carbon negative in order to even have a the tiniest, faintest glimmer of hope to avert our own extinction if we continue to do nothing about this problem.
Reducing consumption is the only way to achieve this but that requires either a monumental shift in human behavior, or simply less humans. And, since we seemingly aren’t making the choice, I wonder which one nature will choose for us…
Hopefully your questions have been answered by now, and now you know everyone here was right all along - to no one’s surprise except you of course. Have a great life!
Not much else to say except yes you’re right. Unfortunately, the average person doesn’t care or understand the difference.
Capitalism requires human sacrifice and suffering in order to function. Most economic systems do, unfortunately. Wage slavery is still slavery, but modernized. That way, we all can be slaves.
Hopefully people won’t stand for this, dying in the heat because your boss said you can’t have water or a break. It’s just so absurd, there’s no way people will accept this. I hope.
A disposable tractor or drill
Why is God so petty? Sounds like human thinking to me.
Race had nothing to do with it? They were considered animals because of the color of their skin. Where’s all the millions of white European slaves that were stacked on boats like cattle?
Yeah it must have been really great to get kidnapped from your home and family and forcibly sold into slavery, shipped from one undeveloped country to another undeveloped country. Stop with this nonsense - there is nothing good about slavery. Period. Done. End of story. Absolutely sickening. Pure evil.
Get ready to believe in miracles then because conspiracy is the name of the game in America. Pick your poison!
Ask Mr. Smith you fool.
Ask Mr. Smith you fool.
No, what he did and said is precisely inciting an insurrection and that’s why he will be indicted for it.
No doubt there is much evidence yet to be revealed, just more icing on the cake. Doesn’t really matter though, we all saw it live on TV, and nothing will happen to Donald that’s for sure, maybe some light questioning. Anyone waiting for him to be arrested or behind bars or even held accountable is fooling themselves. His natural death is the only way the world can rid itself of his poison. Even then, it will linger on like a sickness and take some time to heal.
Well of course nothing will come of it. But that is inciting an insurrection, open and shut. Too bad true justice doesn’t exist.
Oh, gotcha. The word ‘only’ instead of ‘just’ would have made the sentence more clear. Anyway, I wish you happiness and good health!