They’re going to spend the next four years breaking things and stuffing money into any place that will hold it. They don’t know how to build jack shit.
They’re going to spend the next four years breaking things and stuffing money into any place that will hold it. They don’t know how to build jack shit.
Nothing shady about that
Of course he can’t guarantee tariffs won’t raise prices, because that’s what they do. The companies impacted by those tariffs will not eat that hit - they will pass it on to all of us. It’s essentially a tax he’s arbitrarily adding.
So everyone enjoy the massive taxes he has decided to pass on to you, while giving his billionaire friends massive tax breaks. They aren’t going to care, they can absorb it. Can you? Can your family?
What a bunch of fucknuts some of us are for putting this corrupt conman back in the white house.
Hope you will be happy with his stance on Gaza, it will be worse than the current administration, guaranteed.
Hope you will be happy with the price of goods and “inflation”, you’re about to have a nasty wake up call.
Hope you enjoy the climate, he’s going to undo as much protections as he can, assisting in our push over the brink.
He’s going to destroy so much. Hope you all are ready. Next time don’t be apathetic and uneducated. Be informed and do your duty of voting. Vote country over party. Don’t just listen to what news media wants you to hear. For fucks sake educate yourself like your life depends on it because it does.
He doesn’t give a shit - all he’s going to do with those agencies is to gut/destroy/exploit them for personal gain. He doesn’t need any playbook, he’s been destroying things his whole life.
Trump’s faux leather wallet
Might as well do the check - you sure as fuck aren’t going to be able to check anything out in 2028, if we even hold an election that year.
Do the check, see where the info leads, no brainer
Hahaha fantastic
I live in her new district, it’s rich republican territory, I would not get my hopes up.
Seeing as how people have already been indicted for this shit, knowing that this is potentially coming, I don’t think they’re going to have the same kid gloves on this time. And the orange stain isn’t in power anymore. However we will see soon enough!
20 Decillion
(Not really mobile friendly, which holds true to the old school Internet)
I wonder what the mean jerk time is on a pair of ghosts?
The sad thing about that article though is that the spiked bat they picked out of desperation cares much less about them than the very people they aim their hated at. It’s one of the biggest reasons that people like me that think trump is the lowest of the low, truly a garbage human being, detest the entire GOP and every person that supports them - they continue to enable their actual destructive behavior.
It angers me to even see an article try to minimize the negative impact that is being imparted on our current and future generations. I understand that true elites are bad but you can’t both sides this shit. One side is trying to make lives better and one side revels in destroying our civil liberties that our founders and troops bled for, ignoring the fact that their guy who is Jesus 2.0 leads us back towards a monarchy/dictatorship.
Fuck that.
The electoral college needs to go and our FPTP voting system needs to go if we ever truly want to make change as a nation. Otherwise we will continue to be stuck in a pissing match with no victor, while the elites get fatter. The GOP needs to die, they have no platform and don’t stand for their ideals anymore - they’re not the same party that existed back in the 2000s
NSA - no such agency
They would all be challenged to gentlemen’s duels so quickly, for abdicating their honor.
He raped his wife, it’s documented. He raped E Jean Carroll as well as probably many others. Triggered much that you support such a monster? Lame.
Good stuff! Thanks for adding
At least they will be feeling the real consequences, regardless of their blindness to the cause, which was their own actions.