This is a patently absurd comparision
I don’t even like Apple, but when you talk about their mobile ecosystem (mainly looking at phones/watches) here, Android is laughably behind at this point.
- Apple devices last stupid long.
- First one here counts for both batteries and vendor support. This is for the worst reason, the walled garden, but it works. There have been a few times I realized my magsafe charger was unplugged… for three days in a row. But my battery was rolled into about 5% at the end of the third day and dozens of hours of SoT.
- The 2021 OS release supported 2015 phones. Current OS is to 2017 phones. Point out any major Android vendor still supporting their 2017 phones until at least mid 2024.
- I was a devout Android worshipper. I twrp’d, greenified, rooted, removed any social media apps, etc and everything else. And then I realized I hated having to do that to make it with a device that would have over 50% battery by lunch.
- I grew up. I went from loving to tweak with my phone all the time, to just wanting it to reliably work.
- One of my most important pieces of tech is my watch. I use it for payments, travel, access, and everything else. And the Apple watch versus ANY OTHER ANDROID offering is the reason I will never use Android again. Shit just works. Mindlessly. And never has downtime.
I use linux on my desktop and laptop, but iPhone is the only phone that matters.
Weekend at Feinstein’s