Why nobody has made an open source ink jet printer design like reprap, I will never understand. The printer industry seems primed for disruption with all their bullshit and their half century old technology.
Why nobody has made an open source ink jet printer design like reprap, I will never understand. The printer industry seems primed for disruption with all their bullshit and their half century old technology.
Is it any surprise to anyone that Black Cube is an Israeli Firm founded by Israeli intelligence officers. I wonder when they are going to send agents to goad the Reuters journalists into making anti-zionist or anti-Israel comments like fellow Israeli Spy company NSO group of Pegasus Spyware fame did to AP/UofT journalists at Citizen Lab so they could discredit them as antisemites.
I mean Black Cube is the company that was hired to defame the woman who accused the rapist Harvey Weinstein and the journalists who were reporting on that case.
Easy. 80f is 80% hot. 90f is 90% hot. 110f is 110% hot and so on.
Linus Tech tips also had a special unique to them contract since they had been simulhosting since the early early days of twitch.
It’s just a poor country thing. How are you gonna prioritise crime happening in other countries when you barely keep up at home.
It’s kinda like when third world countries get criticized for poor women’s rights or LGBTQ rights, when a third of the country lives in absolute poverty. The former things are important, but the latter causes suffering on a whole different scale.
Go where? The only companies that can afford to do unlimited video forever for everyone are the likes of Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. Meta tried to steal VOD watchers from YouTube years ago, they failed. Amazon tried to get into VOD via Twitch, they gave up. Microsoft tried to come after Twitch with Mixer, they failed. Moreover, a lot of the things we hate about youtube like poor content moderation, the copyright system, demonetization, etc arent youtubes fault. The broken copyright system is just a result of what copyright law is, it’d probably be worse on a different site since they wouldn’t have the special agreement YouTube has with major copyright holders to serve as an intermediary. Instead of content strikes, or an ad revenue claim, that youtube has the special power to do, you’d just default to DMCA takedowns for everything immediately. And yeah content moderation and demonetization is bad but Youtube never wanted to do this right? They were happily showing ads on ISIS videos, its advertisers that forced them, which is how we ended up with a system that randomly pulls ads from videos if there is a hint of something an ad agency would object too. I mean it’s either this or advertisers don’t advertise at all, which fucks everyone, instead of a few people.
Look this is different than pirating a game or bypassing a newspaper paywall. Watching content on YouTube simply costs money to YouTube. It’s not like torrenting a game or movie, where while you haven’t paid for the content, it didn’t cost anything to the owner other than theoretical revenue. And it’s not like bypassing a newspaper paywall, either, where the cost to the newspaper to serve you the story is practically negligible and the real costs are fixed and not related to how many people actually read the story.
Hosting video costs money and nobody can replace YouTube’s massive library or realistically replicate their business model. I mean just look at image/gif hosting sites, they constantly go bust like Photobucket because storing everyone’s pictures forever and for free isn’t not a real business model.
YouTube needs to be paid for its gonna go the way of Photobucket.
It’s true Vivaldi is not free open source, the code is owned by Vivaldi however, the source code is freely available to audit which is the main security benefit you would get from a FOSS browser like Brave and Firefox. It is plainly not spyware.
Yes there is the security risk that someone might find an exploit in the source code, and if Vivaldi is notified, users would have to wait for Vivaldi to fix it. As opposed to a third party potentially issuing a patch quicker.
But this is also basically true for Firefox and Brave. If a security flaw is found it’s more than likely going to be the Firefox or Brave team that fixes it first.
It’s definitely invasive, highly specific, unique data but it’s also not useful data to an advertiser.
Yeah this is not really data that affects privacy. Literally none of it can be used for advertising and half of it is literally required for it so the basic functions of an online game and the rest is catch cheaters.
Honestly if you must have a chromium browser use Vivaldi, otherwise use Firefox. There is no reason to use brave whatsoever.
It’s only difficult for some. On one hand the Israeli government purposely equates Jews as people with Israel as a nation to deflect criticism. Hell even shady Israeli spy companies like the ones behind the pegasus exploit followed about the reporters from uToronto to try to get them to make anti-Semitic or anti-zionist remarks so as to discredit their reporting on a government sanctioned hacker group that sells to dictators. On the other hand actual anti-semites hide their anti-semitism in criticism of Zionism. Which is how you get gas the Jews chants at pro-palestine rallies.
Reminder that YouTubers control how many ads are on a video and until last year or so you could even host video and have it served to millions with zero ads. Now the minimum is one skippable pre roll but like shit costs money to serve 20 million people an hour log 4k video.
Yeah except y’know YouTube servers cost money and watching through Invidious doesn’t actually pay either YouTube or the creators. Like I don’t want to shill for a corp but on the other hand mass hosting video for free and letting anyone watch is a business model that can only work at YouTubers scale and nothing can replace YouTube because any service that tries will run out of money in a week. Seriously video hosting is literally the most expensive thing to do on the internet.
Oh it’s even more blatant. She bought it from a friend, who then used the money to go on vacation. It’s a blatant kick back.
Right now the iPhone can straight up connect to the Iridium Satellite network, which IMO is far more useful that FM radio in any emergency. At least that system can send and receive messages, including most importantly GPS Co-ordinates.
Some people host their plex on a VPS (basically your portion of a server on a cloud that you can do whatever with) server and Plex recently banned a really popular one suddenly.
Some people store their plex on a vps server, and plex recently banned the cheapest super popular one because some people were selling access to Plex servers on that host.
Ooops, Plex just banned the server provider you were using, guess you’ll have to migrate it all at the drop of a hat.
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