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Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2024


  • When people have limited choices to vote on, voting for a or b does not make them like a or b.

    It just means it’s a “boiling the frog situation” when gradually changing the goalposts makes people not notice the real issues.

    The average American really has not changed that much from the past generations, but the candidates that are allowed to run in either party have drifted rightward.

    If I want to vote for green, and I can choose only on a greyscale, my interpretation of which shade of gray might be closest to green might be a personal choice, highly disputed.

  • I spent a lot of time using msdn Microsoft docs for windows and activex c++ back in the day. Faintly envious there are videos in the c# docs.

    I changed tech stacks, but comments and examples are awesome to use inside docs. Usually in the php, it’s the comments in the docs that are the best help, and example code and work around can be found there.

    But most php depends on the tens of thousands of projects and libraries made others: so the docs one needs is scattered in the dependencies. Some who have good docs (laravel) and some that have no docs , in which case a debugger is best way to learn.

  • There is too much blame to go around, and not enough people and orgs wanting to acknowledge blame.

    Trump did not become a household name randomly. He was helped and aided by many. And I have noticed hundreds of times how the main stream media enabled his word salad and gave it meaning and power. In real life, not many people listen to blathering hateful idiots.

  • witnesses, accusations, court trials, investigations by law, settlements and outright admission.

    Some of them have more of one type than the other but most of the people mentioned in this political context are not unlucky people who only have one or two incidents.

    That does not mean the other people are saints. But most seem to at least not glorify in it, and many are content to exploit and rob the working class without such public incidents.

  • When I was learning to program in the 1990s, at university, it was easy to get good advice and learning from the printed word: both in books and on websites. I think if I had to start learning all over again, and not be in a good school, it would be very hard for me to do as well.

    Today there is too much advice, too many influencers who recently learned whatever they are peddling, too much AI, too many fields of tech.

    I think the best way to learn now is how many of us learned decades earlier; use a list of books that are vetted by many ( can find lists here and there, saw one in GitHub last year). And while reading the books read the documentation even if they are gaps in one’s knowledge and the docs are badly written.

    I don’t think one needs recent books for many concepts and basics. The wheel has been reinvented many times in the hundreds of tech stacks in use today. And the same concepts will be easy enough to learn in newer docs once a technology and programming set of tools is invested into by the learner.

    As for new software engineering ideas and architecture concepts: usually these are reiterated from earlier ideas and often marketed for profit. So older architecture books, refined by several editions, are still best.