And how do they still fucking suck at searching for files. I can’t find shit without the Everything app
And how do they still fucking suck at searching for files. I can’t find shit without the Everything app
Or you could dev up your own perfect solution and show them how easy it is to get funding to do it, show us all
This article is fucked up. No one (likely) here saw the 60 minutes opening, we’re all reading about a huffpost article about the response from a bunch of people on Twitter, those might not even be Americans, they might have an IQ of 50, why are they driving the conversation? We’re not taking the time to watch the 60 minutes and we’re letting huffpost make money off of outrage culture. The content of the 60 minutes is the story and crucially important not the idiots/bots/propaganda responding to it. The shittiest type of journalism is based off Twitter replies and the best journalism is what 60 min is doing
That Bloomberg news interview probably did the same thing, I couldn’t believe some of the garbage parts of the crowd were clapping at.
Look, another useful idiot
WOW LOOK AT THESE POLLS sponsored by draft kings
The people showing up to trump and turning point bullshit are not representative of the majority. But constant coverage of those morons since trump definitely makes it seem that way
Here’s the info about it: https://mzl.la/3AcmG8q
Yeah good point, adds $10-$30 on top of rpi
After some light searching, am I missing something? I don’t see n100 cheaper than rpi 5
I got into my account the other day, it had a shit password from when I was a kid and no way for me to change it. Their web portal was barely functional.
Got any highlights of things you had to adjust to?
Ok I can see that secondary impact. This is the reality is unless someone else is willing to run a big instance and accept the legal risk. To everyone complaining: first are you even donating to your instance, and second, willing to give a lot more $$$ to support them if there was a legal problem. I doubt they would.
You aren’t on the lemmy.world server so why does it matter to you?
Let’s say it’s my religion that I think you should not be allowed to drive because I don’t like you. Now let’s say I work at the DMV and you walk up, should I be allowed to deny you a license because it’s my religion?
I still think Wirecutter is testing and better than the fake review sites but yeah I’d agree that I think they tip the scales from time to time.
One example, Fitbit has been their fitness watch recommendation forever and their charge watches have been ewaste garbage for years.
What happened to serious eats?
He really is being held to a totally different standard by the media and the cut off their nose to spite their face far left.
I use it as a work journal and personal knowledge management (PKM). Each day I open a daily journal note (built from a template with an easy shortcut) that contain rough notes on what I did that day. From that note I link over to project notes for any project I worked on or complex issues, scratch notes, etc. I do split windows, one with a narrow view of the daily note and then a larger panel for content notes (like documenting the project or create a scratch note or searching for a note on a problem I had 2 years ago that I need to remember about). There are many useful plugins but Templater and “Various Complements” are my favorite. Templater allows me to configure a template for any note I want to configure, so I can create a new note then hit a shortcut that will prompt me for a page title and auto fill the note with my template (that includes tags, headings, etc) for a meeting or new project or scratch note. Templater can also organize the note and move it around on my filesystem. Various Complements plugin allows me to build a dictionary of anything I want that will then fill in like an IDE when I’m typing in a note. So I use it for all my coworker names, I type 4 letters of someone’s name and it pops up suggestions where I can tab-complete their full name.
It’s truly a great program, better for me than all the others I’ve tried: OneNote, TiddlyWiki, DocuWiki, Dendron, and emacs. I used TiddlyWiki for years and had to bend it to my will in many wonky ways, then Obsidian came around and did 90% what I wanted out of the gate and the 3 or 4 plugins I use did the rest. I’ve been using it for a few years now.