I asked you a question that you never answered
I asked you a question that you never answered
What a dumb conclusion to make. I didn’t vote because I legally can’t. My point is that some states are most definitely always blue. California is one of them.
It doesn’t matter. Point is, some states will, without a question, vote blue.
What if my state is California?
Not only that, but “peace“ deal with Putin will only benefit Putin, as it will give him time to regroup and improve his strategy, while the military aid to Ukraine stops. Then he’ll say: “oh shit! Ukraine is attacking us again! They broke the peace deal” and continue the invasion. 
I know. It is very disappointing.
Thank you for that. That’s what I suspected but I wanted to make sure
Can anyone explain what “spheres of terra” is?
Exactly. That was so obvious and pissed me off beyond belief.
I agree. Wearing shoes inside is really gross.
I was about to comment the same thing.
I assume it has to do with the part that says that its place of origin is Great Britain.
I don’t know why I find this so funny 😂 I recently had to wait about an hour for my doctor in one of the rooms and I was going nuts.
I don’t know why this is so funny! 😄 There’s something about waiting in the actual room that makes you feel so forgotten. At some point, you’re entitled to start taking shit😂
Thanks for the idea!
Actually I’ve noticed that it’s the no-pet Karens/Kevins who sound entitled and insufferable.
Is it available for iOS? The native podcast app is unbelievably confusing.
Yo, do you need a hug? why so aggressive? I never even gave an opinion. I asked a question.