The faceting community would welcome anyone who wants to create a wine pairing guide for our lickable rocks.
The faceting community would welcome anyone who wants to create a wine pairing guide for our lickable rocks.
I’ve been knitting for a decade but only made my first pair of socks during the pandemic. I bought some wool from a reputable seller in fun colors. It was so fun and they were so comfy, I made several more.
I almost never wear anything other than my knitted socks these days. They’re just so daggone comfy and they keep my feet warm yet they never feel sweaty, except on extremely hot days when I’m outdoors.
Wool socks are absolutely luxurious to me now. 10/10 recommend knitting socks if you haven’t already!
Based on the article, the device will host actual kidney cells - I’m sure it won’t be as effective as having your own original kidney, especially in it’s early prototypes, but hopefully it’ll be better than mere dialysis.
Even if the device was just a glorified portable dialysis machine though, that would still be a significant quality of life improvement for those on dialysis. With dialysis you’re locally tethered to the dialysis clinic because you need weekly treatments, until you eventually die or win the kidney lottery. With a portable machine you could hopefully travel, see the world and visit family more.
Be kind to your kidneys everyone, drink enough water! You don’t want a life without efficient kidneys.
To put a modern twist on an old saying: lie down with grifters, get up with fees.
OP you deserve so much more than an upvote for this compilation - this is truly impressive. I had no idea I was missing out on so many yarncraft communities! I will rectify this ASAP thanks to you.
Do the comments still show after you empty your own browser’s cache too? That seems less likely to be the culprit, but worth a check to be certain.
Elsewhere in this post there’s also a helpful user who notes that the mass-editing programs can only handle a thousand comments. Is it possible this is why some of your comments are still there?
They said the originals do not appear on their account on Reddit. They also said they edited their original posts to be empty. They’re able to edit and delete their modified (empty) comments based on what I understand of their post.
I don’t see anything in OP’s post that indicates itself is displaying the originals, only the search engines are, and the cache would be the reason why.
Search engines do not scrape the entire internet every single time someone searches. They do routine scrapes of web content and create a cache of what was there, and search that cache. This is why updates to websites do not always reflect on searches.
You’re contents are findable on Google because the last time they bothered to scrape that particular Reddit post was when your comment was intact, and they have not had a need to scrape it again since then.
Can mosquitos even suck blood from a leech? I feel like blood probably doesn’t taste as good when it’s secondhand.