Yeah bud I am a specialty nurse for disabled pediatrics, I don’t have a bullshit job. Maybe what you said applies to someone else.
Yeah bud I am a specialty nurse for disabled pediatrics, I don’t have a bullshit job. Maybe what you said applies to someone else.
Yeah I really can’t do purposeless living. I would get depressed in like a week. The content of my work gives me purpose. Those are great hobbies, I enguage with many of them, but none of them would be fulfilling without a purpose beyond them.
You tell 'em Monkey-Barbie-Squidward
Covid quarantines and stuff were so boring that everything I normally enjoyed became boring also. I learned that if I don’t have something to break up time between leisure activities I’ll get tired of them. I work, and it isn’t the pinnacle of existence, but what I like to do when I am not working feels better or atleast stays as good.
What? I literally did not say anything about a lack of hobbies. Well, if jumping to conclusions works for you I’ll reserve my judgement.
It was rumored Socrates could normal summon Dark Magician without tributing.
I watched that Coyote whatever his name was that gets bit by bugs on purpose, but then he click baited me and didn’t get bit one video. It was a short and sweet relationship and it could have kept going if he just let the bug bite him a little bit.
So just humans and ghosts with wifi then.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony dog’s choosing. But because, I use my intelligence to sniff highlighters.
I don’t get it. You do the same job for 40 years? Or is the issue having something to do for 40 years? I would be so bored without a job - actually I still get bored with a job and can’t imagine what I would do with even less on my plate.
Bro… It looks like you are already at the “this drug I take has magic properties” part with talking about time dilation and mental hard resets. So, I hope getting up is easy when you fall down.
I know DXM use and abuse is effective in preventing a strong career and stable life. That cough suppressant was actually an Air Force career suppressant for a dude I used to know.
A virtual version of the museum in 2029? What would be the point in going? I can look at a picture of a picture on the internet for free.
You shop at the dollar store because you are cheap. I shop at the dollar store because it is the closest store. We may be the same idk.
I have like 20mins in this game. A little tutorial and some time to familiarize myself with movement and stuff and next is an impossible boss. Kthxbai. I loved Armored Core as a kid, but I could finish the missions without a guide.
When episodes 1-3 came out they were widely regarded as awful. Your kids are going to think the end of Game of Thrones was good.
Maybe I said what I said a little too defensively. I don’t want to downplay the quality of what you might have to say on the topic, however, I feel like the r/antiwork dog walkers are upset with me for liking work. I may not be in the most receptive of places at the moment.