Profits or bragging how they can do a ton of stock buybacks.
Profits or bragging how they can do a ton of stock buybacks.
If this is real - what a shitty family.
When did Willow start commentating at football games?
“Hey! You’re not supposed to do that!”
“Is there a specific law being broken?”
“Well…no, not exactly. But it breaks with tradition!”
The only thing you’ll regret about going to a movie solo is not doing it sooner. It’s liberating.
Reminds me of Jonah Hill’s character in Don’t Look Up. “I timed that shit perfectly.”
This belongs in dataisbeautiful.
I’ve seen this movie. It’s the one where AI determines we are the issue and initiates the “extermination” protocol.
Edit: With a dash of “Don’t Look Up”.
This is blowing my mind. I have one in the EXACT SAME spot.
Exactly. But the reality is the republicans would attack whatever side paints him in a negative light. If Walz was attacking video games the republican spin would be “first they’ll take your guns, THEN they’ll want to tell you how to spend your free time!”
Make sure you know how to use the three seashells before eating any Taco Bell.
100% me. I never in my life thought I’d be a cat person, then I moved in with my girlfriend (now wife) and her cat, who quickly became my ride or die.
I was thinking “What’s that red stu—oh…” Yikes.