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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • But you’re supposed to pick a side and be willing to literally lay down your life for them and their cause! Ra ra, go team go. Otherwise you’re just part of the problem according to either side.

    I agree with you and I’ll go a step further and say fuck all politicians in general. Today, they’re all owned in some way by the money that puts them in power. They’ll all tell you what you want to hear. They’re all experts in half truths. Never trust a politician.

  • And it was so valuable and useful because we, the former redditors, made it that way. They’re ruining the hard (and free) work people did over those 15 years to make it useful. The good thing is it’s been shown to be entirely replaceable, and made better by taking control out of corporate hands.

    The special (and valuable) thing about Reddit was its passionate users. Take that away and what’s left?