England’s fashion sense seems to have gone up after wearing the nice red boot
How inconsiderate of Queen Charles!
Reminds me of No Man’s Sky. Anyone played/plays that here? I’ve had it in my wishlist for a long while now, but it doesn’t seem to go as low as I would like. Is it still worth buying at half price after all these years? For reference, I pretty much never buy games unless it is at least 75% off
I’m at a complete loss. Could somebody explain this to me?
Sadly, he couldn’t get over his fear of crossing bodies of water.
Hopefully not literally
They for whatever reason always make me look ugly and out of shape.
The dressing room mirrors
I sort of feel like I’m walking in a tunnel that gets smaller and smaller as I walk.
Thar cat holds a huge grudge against someone in the house
A valid question
That looks more like a clothesline from hell
What’s the point of this book? It’s nothing new, and would never change anything about the situation.
Wow this one has serious air time
And you think this would help your cause? This would only motivate the right and make them more brazen. You can change things using violence, and if you do they won’t last. It’s up to the people to defeat them in the elections. Your focus should be on grassroots movements to change the people’s minds, not resort to violence like this. This same thought process is what led to J6 riots.
What the fuck is with all the jokes about missing Trump? Assassinating a political candidate is nothing to be happy about, no matter how you feel about them.
It’s spelled ‘enema’
Senile has a very specific meaning, and while Trump is a number of things, he’s nowhere near as senile as Biden yet. Biden lost trains of thought constantly, and tried to find a fitting word to complete his sentence, jumped from one subject to another, and ended up beating medicare. Just watch Biden in the 2020 debate and now. Tell me you don’t see an astounding difference.
You don’t need any app. I recently moved over from iPhone to android, and I have an airtag in my shoulder bag. My razr 2024 has to remind me every day that there is an airtag traveling with me. There is no way for me to tell it to ignore this one since it’s mine.