Sure, if you don’t mind storing stuff and then never reading them again.
Sure, if you don’t mind storing stuff and then never reading them again.
Joke’s on you, I’m the only user of my PKI.
I’m at about €2/l, so $8.18/gallon.
As a European: I’d love those prices.
Gotta ELI5 for this guy.
Thanks, I’ll give it a shot.
But those leave the horizontal tabs as they are. Such a waste of space with wide screen monitors being the norm.
I have one thing missing from Firefox that keeps me from permanently switching: vertical tabs. I know there’s ways of hacking it into FF, but nothing sustainable. I know it seems minor, but in Brave/Edge, it just works so damn well.
+1 for LaTeX. Did my PhD dissertation in it, wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I prefer Visual Studio Code with a couple of plugins as an editor.
Absolutely true. Sad thing is my company only allowd for Outlook as a mail client, so using Nine for my work mail isn’t an option.
Not really, it gets the job done. It’s a real client for power users, so you can get lost in the details of the configuration, but you don’t have to.
To be completely honest, Outlook is more user friendly (and free), but Nine can be customized in greater detail. If not for the sync headaches, I likely would’ve stayed on Outlook, I’m not a mail power user, which is where Nine shines.
Been using Nine on my personal device, as Outlook was horrible at syncing with IMAP accounts (only synced on demand, never in the background). On my work device, I do use Outlook, but with an O365 account it does work as intended.
Bandwidth and hosting still cost money, period. And why would 20 be laughable? What would be okay by your book? 50? 100? 1000? 20 per day is fine for most users, how much content are you downloading every single day that it wouldn’t be?